Talkin’ Cowboys: Fearless or Reckless? | #LARvsDAL | Dallas Cowboys 2023

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How can the Cowboys tear through the back-half of their schedule? And how does Dak Prescott take the next step in 2023?

20 replies
  1. Kip Brown
    Kip Brown says:

    There goes Isiah Stanback again sounding like we're playing a SB team that's just unbeatable. Dude pumps up the opponent every week, makes it sounds like we have no chance. Dude says the same old crap every week. Smh!

  2. Jeff Horne
    Jeff Horne says:

    Dak, needs to calm down, he has been in the NFL long enough that this game should have slowed down for him, This season he looks like a deer in the head lights….. he should be able to read defenses and adjust…. make better calls, he just lines up and goes with the called play….

  3. RobReal
    RobReal says:

    That’s the thing. Last year dak was taking shots n trying to squeeze balls in tight windows. N that led to career high in interceptions. He needs to find a median


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