Take a Tour of My Kosher Kitchen In My Orthodox Jewish Home

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Take a Tour of My Kosher Kitchen In My Orthodox Jewish Home Kitchen Tour in our Orthodox Jewish Kosher Home. After moving …

36 replies
  1. Buffy 646
    Buffy 646 says:

    I hope you enjoy cooking in your beautiful new kitchen. I’m very impressed with the organisation and lack of clutter. I tidy everything away and half an hour later it’s just as untidy again 😂

  2. The Highlander
    The Highlander says:

    If you're married, First thing proof that you're not orthodox. That is there's no kisui rosh on you if its wig that you're wearing then thats very dangerous because wig is a product from avoda zara. and your dress is not even a little bit close to Tzinuit. secondly an orthodox women will never vlog like you did.

  3. Michal Peretz
    Michal Peretz says:

    What a beautiful kiddush Hashem you are making in this video!!
    You have the zchut to educate and encourage women from all walks of life to keep the laws of kashrut!

  4. Sandy Kalmeyer
    Sandy Kalmeyer says:

    Beautiful kitchen , Sonja! I, too, love how you shared about then and now. I’m a little unclear of the refrigerator light. You can open the fridge door but the light can’t click on? Is it because you keep lights on in rooms during Shabbat? That would make sense then. As a Christian I love hearing about your beliefs and traditions.

  5. Grace Serafano
    Grace Serafano says:

    Beautiful home and kitchen. I love your spice drawer idea so much I changed some drawers around and now mine looks just like yours! Going to work on my other drawers and lazy Susan cupboard next. You are a great example of a young woman with great values and ideals.

  6. Kimberly Jones
    Kimberly Jones says:

    That was soooo interesting! I love your kitchen and all the space you have to organize! I had no idea what it meant to have a kosher kitchen. I learned so much! Thank you! What happens if the meat and dairy items cross or get put in wrong place?!?

  7. Roni Notinger
    Roni Notinger says:

    Thank you! The inspiration from this video helped me organize some parts of my kitchen already, which makes it more enjoyable to work in! for example, my cookbook cabinet, paper goods, oils and fridge! We also recently moved, and I am trying to figure everything out.

  8. Ice Eyes
    Ice Eyes says:

    Your kitchen is stunning! I loved learning how you do meat and dairy meals separately and how you organize everything. Thank you for sharing ♥️

  9. בריינדי בלוי
    בריינדי בלוי says:

    Beautiful kitchen. Renew.
    Only the device hot water in an unsafe location for children.
    It is best to put it in a place without access for children. Deeper on the counter. My child got a serious burn from such a thing. Care should be taken to have it in a safe place.

  10. Stephanie McCollum
    Stephanie McCollum says:

    Absolutely love learning about the Difference with meat and dairy preparation and cleaning. Thank you for taking the time to explain to us. Thumbs up! Please keep the videos coming! Thumbs up!

  11. LoisMary1
    LoisMary1 says:

    Sonya, your new kitchen is exquisite. Be blessed while working in it. Thank you for explaining all the special kosher facets. That is very interesting to me. Question….you mentioned having special sabbath sponges which you don’t squeeze out. Does that mean you’re allowed to wash dishes on Shabbat? Can you load the dishwasher? Thank you for sharing this video.

  12. Miriam Ghershenzon
    Miriam Ghershenzon says:

    Hi,wishing you mazal tov, hatzlacha raba, just,i just wanted to let you know, the right way is to have a cover over the milchig sink,i have my sinks the same way and i have a lucite cover,to make
    sure that nothing shpritzed over from
    the flashing sink
    Hatzlacha raba

  13. Alma
    Alma says:

    Hola Sonya,que bonita cocina y que organizada la tienes, si te es posible me gustaría saber como te organizas para llegar a todo, casa, hijos, trabajo y además conservar tu peso a pesar de los embarazos. Y muchas gracias por poner los subtitulos en español. Besos con cariño desde Barcelona en España.

  14. Alla Moskowicz
    Alla Moskowicz says:

    Hi Sonya,
    I love your channel, I can so relate to everything. We came from Ukraine 45 years ago, so there are a lots of similarities in everything.Your new kitchen is my dream kitchen! Can you please share the make of the cabinets. Thank you so much and Mazal Tov on the new house!
    Alla Moskowicz

  15. Kirsten Cook
    Kirsten Cook says:

    I'm not Jewish but I love Jewish food and cooking. I was curious about how you would have room for duplicates of everything but you fit it all in very sensibly. Love your channel. Its slways good if people from different cultures and backgrounds can increase their understanding of eachother and realise we are all part of one bigger community. You are a rock star! (But a nice one of course).


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