Taiwanese Castella Cake Recipe | Emojoie

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38 replies
  1. Emojoie
    Emojoie says:

    Baking powder is not needed for this recipe.
    Important for success is to make a firm meringue(But not too much) and don't to overmix the batter. These two things are important to make the cake puffed up. Good luck!

  2. 美由紀 高村
    美由紀 高村 says:


  3. Rabab Ali
    Rabab Ali says:

    شرح جيد ومفصل اول مره احدا يعطي مقاسات مختلفه للصينيه 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻😍😍😍😍😍😍

  4. 上島高俊
    上島高俊 says:


  5. HuongQ Nguyen
    HuongQ Nguyen says:

    When I melt butter + milk with the temprature 60*C (2nd time I did with 300*C), then I add them in to the flour and it become separate with butter. Could you help to explain me the reason and how to fix it? Thank you

  6. TheWaterman1000
    TheWaterman1000 says:

    Wonder if almond flour would work? I'm keto and been trying to convert deserts to low to no sugar. I've used suclorose(sic) instead of sugar. At least if I screw it up it's still edible. Can a different pan be used and time for baking?

  7. ish
    ish says:

    I tried this and the top came out baked well. However, there was a thick yellow layer that settled at the bottom. Anyone knows why this happens??


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