Susanna Lost 60 Pounds in her Fifties Eating Plants!

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30-Day Weight Loss Program: 5 DELICIOUS DINNER RECIPES to support your weight loss: …

31 replies
  1. Tracy Podaima
    Tracy Podaima says:

    Susanna is a wonderful inspiration and doesn't look a day over 30. Her enthusiasm is contagious….I would love to be in the reboot with her but have already written it off because I will be traveling a lot during that period and will not always have service.
    Chef AJ, you are glowing today! Thank you for sharing such fabulous information with us and all of your wonderful recipes. I have lost 10kg in the first 3 months since your ultimate weight loss summit, and have maintained that loss even though I have slipped up and allowed some banned foods into my life the past couple of months. The last week of August, things will be tweaked and I look forward to reverting back to a strict diet. Before that I will be subjected to many restaurant meals in places unknown to me but will still eliminate animal and dairy foods.

  2. Jeri Johnson
    Jeri Johnson says:

    Susanna is such a beautiful soul! Thank you for sharing your amazing journey with all of us, Susanna! I am so happy for you. You inspire me to be a better person. Sending many blessings your way. …and thank you, Chef AJ…for brings Susanna on to share with all of us!

  3. Vicki
    Vicki says:

    Good for you! Congratulations on getting healthier! I can relate to your need for constant reinforcement. I am always reading self help books from my library or buying WFPB diet books and watching YouTube educational videos, lately many from Chef AJ. We share the same hero’s, men and women. Thanks for sharing your story! You are an inspiration!

  4. Timothy Gaar
    Timothy Gaar says:

    since you like to read/study i recommend you go 'back' and read/study books on natural hygiene, the history, the movement, and what it has become…the entire plant based movement of today came out of natural hygiene…sad to say, it is now being fractured, packaged, and sold, and certainly not being acknowledged, but, the history and the concepts are there, beyond 'just diet' and it is a way of life that gives the choice/opportunity to simply soar…welcome!!!

  5. Stasia Doster
    Stasia Doster says:

    This story is so inspiring to me! I lost 65 pounds following Chef AJ's way of eating and then started eating noncompliant foods and, you guessed it, the weight just came back on. I gained back almost 20 pounds and am now back to eating compliant and the weight is coming off again. Because I have ulnar neuropathy in my dominant arm, I cannot always do the chopping required, so my top trick for people like me is to buy prechopped vegetables if you can. Also, for breakfast in the morning, I just cook 2 bags of compliant frozen vegetables – no chopping involved!

  6. S C
    S C says:

    Great show, as always! There is a reference made to a recent show featuring a guest doctor with anti-cancer advice and recipes. Which show is that, please? Thanks!

  7. Cindy Gaudet
    Cindy Gaudet says:

    Wow!!! And all the children and msicarriages. My mother had a stillborn. 7 miscarriages, me, and a stilborn 4 yrs after me. And Susanna am curious where you live as she said you are Canadian. I am in NS and have issues finding things. Congratulations!!! And oh chef AJ your recipes sound fantastic that she mentioned!!! Also so happy you did this at your age. I am 65 had estrogen dominate breast ca at 60 and a knee replacement late 50s, I am 35 lbs overwt and also have LPR which I am hoping Chef AJ you do more recipes on that!

  8. Patti Barricelli
    Patti Barricelli says:

    Congrats to you Susanna! You look amazing! Rest assured you will have continued success because you are building your WFPB support group as you go! I had been a pescatarian since 1991. Although I always felt good and enjoyed good health, it wasn't until I adopted a WFPB lifestyle and finally eliminated the fish as well as eggs and dairy, that I TRULY learned the meaning of good health! At age 65, I tell my family and friends that I believe In am in the BEST health of my LIFE! I am medication free, I sleep better, I have energy that's through the roof, and I can't wait to ride my bike and/or walk each day! Keep up the good work Susanna. Your story is very inspiring.


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