SUPER PRODUCTIVE clean with me! Could I do more?

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28 replies
  1. @jessicaquiroz7178
    @jessicaquiroz7178 says:

    I’m 48 and I already realize I can’t clean the house all in one day and this is regular maintenance so I have a sick day routine schedule (this also includes days I’m just not feeling up to it). I basically wash dishes, clean litter boxes and maybe sweep up and spot clean especially picking up trash

  2. @SparrowStockwell
    @SparrowStockwell says:

    I feel like you already are pretty minimal, Karen! Your decor is minimal—not a bunch of stuff on display. You don’t have clutter everywhere. Your wardrobe is minimal. But I do understand feeling overwhelmed.

  3. @kimmieg4988
    @kimmieg4988 says:

    HI karen, My MIL lives in NJ and she grows lemon trees, but you have to put them in a big pot like you said and bring them in inside for the winter that is what she does and hers grow lemons just fine and they don't need to be very big to grow them.

  4. @christyhazen6946
    @christyhazen6946 says:

    Yay back to Vermont…. I went to college in Burlington. Your also coming at graduation times so that is probably increasing the prices. It is a wonderful city. But like any city be careful. Have fun.

  5. @moniquefuselier7711
    @moniquefuselier7711 says:

    I had to laugh because it made me feel good that I'm not the only one who sometimes just needs a couple of minutes to just stare at a wall and let my brain settle before moving on to the next task. Y'all had some great finds at Goodwill!

  6. @pam14321
    @pam14321 says:

    Hellooo Karen, lovely to see you. Ohh those pesky grease stains😔 honestly the only thing I’ve found that gets them out is a drop of Fairy liquid directly on the stain right before you wash it, I think our Fairy is your Dawn. Works for me every time,I only use a little amount but it removes the grease. I’ve mentioned before how I like my house to look like no one lives in it, that’s still true, it does make cleaning very easy but isn’t housework just relentless 😢,I swear I give our bathrooms a real good clean twice a week but I think I need to do it more, I feel like I’m always moaning at my hubby and son to just leave it how they find it, put away their shaving foam,blades,washcloths etc,etc but if they’d only do that I’d have no need to ‘keep on at them’. Proper gets on my pip. Now I’ve had my moan I’ll wish you well and as always send much love and light to you.🥰🥰🥰

  7. @juliameares5268
    @juliameares5268 says:

    Now older; the cold really bothers me more than it once did no matter how warm the clothes I am wearing are. In NC it is warm most of the year so it is a good fit for me. I thought your daughter in love was so sweet. We have more pollen this week but you are right; everything is in bloom here! It is my favorite time of year and my nickname is "granny flower" to our grandkids. Daffodils and tulips are my favorite. Because we have deer in our yard so often; we cannot plant anything because they eat anything you try to grow. Did you know travel fatigue can take up to two weeks to recover from? We have a dozen assorted blankets/quilts or comforters in our house because I have a bit of a thing for them too. It was the one category I struggle with when it comes to decluttering. It has kept me from buying more for now….God bless and thanks for the video~

  8. @Joy-zp5lv
    @Joy-zp5lv says:

    Hi girl, I´m still here. 😅 But had no time to comment on the last few videos. A lemon tree has to go inside for the winter months. I often get carried away and work all day in my house and/or in the garden. And in the evening (and the night) I can feel it (and regret it .) Although I´m younger than you I need to rembember that I´m not 30 anymore 😂.) So I love that you are taking your time. I need to clean my windows but first the pollens need to STOP. Everything is yellow. 🙄 I´m so excited for your gardening plans. Have a good week! 🤗 Ps: The last clip cracked me up. 🤣

  9. @lennyburdick3192
    @lennyburdick3192 says:

    Maybe you already do this,maybe not… Ask you co-residents to spend just 5 minutes straightening up and putting away each evening / day. It’s more fun if several do it at once, but just 5 minutes can make a tremendous difference. Set a timer, and just do five minutes. You don’t have to finish anything. Five minutes contribution can be awesome!

  10. @sharonstratton1987
    @sharonstratton1987 says:

    Your house seems to minimal to me especially your living room and bedroom. I don’t like clutter but I do like a lot of decor. My cats run the house. We believe if the cats care comfortable you don’t move them. When I had six and they’d be on the bed I’d sleep on the couch

  11. @notjustapw
    @notjustapw says:

    I am nowhere near minimal, but in preparing for my move I am decluttering. It is nowhere near enough, but it is progress. You help me with just doing what I have the strength to do.

    I love Elsbeth, too! She is so quirky!

  12. @bethstratton3391
    @bethstratton3391 says:

    Karen, I chuckled a little at your comment about wanting to be a minimalist, because I actually think you are reasonably minimalistic already on the main level of your house considering how many adults use the space. I think people see the more extreme hard core minimalists on YouTube and think that is the way all minimalists live i.e. with all clear counters, hardly any dishes or clothing, no electronics cables hanging down anywhere and no decor or ornaments etc. this is an unrealistic expression of minimalism or living with less for most families. If you want to have less in each room try doing The Minimalists Challenge (remove 1 item on day one, 2 items on day two, 3 on day three etc for 31 days) or challenge yourself to remove between ten to twenty items from each room in your house by the end of the month. This might make great video content (as we could all do it along with you day by day) and it would help you to declutter as well.

  13. @nancycosgrove4005
    @nancycosgrove4005 says:

    Yes I love Elsbeth! She used to be on the Good Wife- she’s a hoot!
    Also I grew up in Mass. and my grandfather always said you can plant-on the first full moon after Mother’s Day-
    Good job keeping up with the house-;it’s never ending 💕

  14. @tamiwarner435
    @tamiwarner435 says:

    I’ve had a Meyers lemon tree for about ten years. We live in northern Utah where our winters are cold & snowy. I put it on my full sun patio in the summer and move it in during the winter, in front of a sunny window. It is planted in a 20” pot. And yes we get about 8-10 lemons every January 😀 you should try it! I enjoy your videos they are motivating.


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