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Mexican comfort food made with shredded chicken in a sauce made from tomatoes, chipotle, chiles guajillos, and onions, creating …

45 replies
  1. Impressive777
    Impressive777 says:

    Do you strain the sauce? I though you mentioned it in another video or maybe it was another cook. I just made this today and it is ridiculous. I could eat 10 of them. Thanks for a great recipe.

  2. Tracy May Adair
    Tracy May Adair says:

    Made this today without the chorizo (added more chicken) and it is absolutely fantastic in corn tortillas! Thank you so much, I found your channel after a trip to Mexico when I came home craving more delicious Mexican food. I also made your mole and it is also fabulous! Thank you for your recipes!

  3. Rene Villastrigo
    Rene Villastrigo says:

    God bless that you are doing fine after your accident…. I would like to say that your videos are a blessing as well I’ve learned so much…. You are so happy in your videos as well as your sister and there is so much love in your food.
    Thanks and God bless Staph and Claud!

  4. thethe
    thethe says:

    I made this with a chicken chorizo since we had friends coming over who didn't eat pork but it was still great. I also didn't have the chipotle in adobo, so I made my own! It was still fantastic! Thank you so much for this 🥰🥰🥰

  5. Alex
    Alex says:

    Ok so your very young and pretty so how do you know this old school S-HIT because you learned it from your family tradition i remember eating this often problem is i didn't pay attention when my mom was making them thanks God you did the recipy turned out great by the way

  6. Rosalinda Perez
    Rosalinda Perez says:

    Totally making tinga for dinner Steph!! Sooooo yummy I’ve never had with chorizo but going to try. I’ll share a pic on IG with you 🤗💗 Blessings for you and Claud and family Also, how do you pickle your onions?

  7. Me
    Me says:

    I watch on my tv and can’t remember my password. But, want you BOTH to know I’m a HUGE new FAN and have shared with my daughter!!! We just LOVE you!!! 💝

  8. Nae W
    Nae W says:

    Oooh yum!! Gorditas are so good! We loved your other recipes 😍 ❤❤ I'm sure we'll love this chicken tinga also 😃🤗👏💝💖💗👑 Love you Mamas, hope you both have a lovely day! 💐💐

  9. Jennifer Bryner
    Jennifer Bryner says:

    Omg I cannot take the things people say to sell their videos on here!! I subscribed but after hearing “boom done “! And all of the other things you say constantly plus watching you eat an entire plate of food in four bites I cannot watch one more second I never thought in would be googling how to block a channel. Ugh


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