SUMMERTIME MEALS + FRUITY PIES | Shrimp | Chicken | Venison Burger

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Here are all the recipes for you along with my notes for some of the best in summertime meals. HAMBURGER NOODLE BAKE 4 …

47 replies
  1. Dawn Montoya
    Dawn Montoya says:

    Growing up, I didn't want onions to have even been in the hands of the person cooking anything I was eating. Raw or cooked, it was a big, fat no from me. However, my hubby LOVES onions!! So I started cooking with sweet onions (Vidalia, Walla Walla, Texas Sweet) a little at a time and have found that nothing can make a dish like a really good sautéed onion. I still won't touch a raw onion (texture) but I think onions add natural sweetness and flavor that cannot be duplicated. Becky on Acre Homestead really uses caramelized purple onion a lot. I may try those as well.

  2. Dawn Montoya
    Dawn Montoya says:

    (that's so Emily can find it 😁)
    Are there any foods you eat/serve consistently or any you try to avoid because of health purposes? If not, how do you keep the aches and pains from being something that impact your life?

    I love your recipes ; however, I am thinking I might have to switcto an anti inflammatory diet just because our aches and pains have gotten out of control.

  3. Dawn Montoya
    Dawn Montoya says:

    Panda Express may use MSG. I'm not sure, but msg ignites chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy and crave the food. There is natural msg in some food, but it is very frequently added at Chinese restaurants. I would also say to serve pad Thai with limes. I would possibly look for other recipes and compare and tweak it to your taste.

  4. Eileen Killen
    Eileen Killen says:

    Ingredients for the strawberry pie, should be in my local supermarket however I'm not able to get cool whip so I will substitute with whipping cream,can't wait to try it Jennifer!!❤🇨🇮👍

  5. Belinda Firley
    Belinda Firley says:

    Thanks Jennifer for sharing another great video that is full of fun. It has delicious and healthy recipes and sweet treats that we can all use to feed our families. God continued blessings from our family to yours from Australia. xxx

  6. emmienewton
    emmienewton says:

    I live in my camper van and most nights I Sautee onions with garlic salt pepper and margarine (or butter..being winter In Australia margarine doesn't melt in the car lol) and cook up a protein of some sort (chicken,pork whatever is cheapest) with whatever seasoning we are wanting and it's the easiest and quickest and most delicious meal ever. Hubby tells me every time I cook sauteed onions ☺️

  7. Cindy Colston
    Cindy Colston says:

    Jennifer I make the hamburger noodle casserole too! We called it Company casserole, one thing is l always make mine a day ahead so the cheeses, bell peppers and onions have a chance to develop flavor! Thank you for sharing one of my favorites!

  8. Melanie Paquin
    Melanie Paquin says:

    That blueberry pie looked 😋. One of my favorites. We grew up eating casseroles, not a large family but, I guess easier on Mom. Your "cameraman" did a great job complete with narration. I enjoy Maria's singing or humming in the background.

  9. Ann Mittelstadt
    Ann Mittelstadt says:

    Hi Jennifer, WoW, great recipes!!!! Can you include Peter's Strawberry Shorthbread cookies in next time too. they look really yummy. I would love to make them. Thank you. 😊

  10. brenda robertson
    brenda robertson says:

    You are lucky that you found the good fish sauce, also the restaurants use MSG powder to get that super flavor blast and smooth flavor. If you don't want your cutting board to slide place a damp paper towel or dish rag under it. Everything you made made me hungry. Thanks so much!

  11. mizz shelley
    mizz shelley says:

    Do you ever watch any of the asian cooking channels? Drunkard Lee is a good one, she cooks great stuff. Plus she gardens and raises chickens. I find the asian cooking channels so interesting.

  12. lynnarro
    lynnarro says:

    I really enjoyed today’s video… That Mediterranean salad is something that I think I’m going to make… I’ve seen something similar but they also incorporate chickpeas which I probably will do… I did wanna mention that I’m not sure where you got your recipe for pad Thai from but that is not even close to actual pad Thai… Pad Thai has chicken, tofu, eggs, rice noodles and yes you can add shrimp… But there is no cabbage in there… There’s onion, garlic, peanuts, Bean sprouts, Lime, and a chili pepper and although the sauce does have fish sauce in it you have to use Tamarind purée, Oyster sauce, and brown sugar… You can definitely tell a difference with what you Madge and actual pad Thai

  13. Shauna Griffin
    Shauna Griffin says:

    Hi Jennifer, A HUGE YES on sautéed onions, and like you, the browner, the better. Really enjoy watching your videos. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and cooking with us. Everything looked soooooo dang good.

  14. Lori Smith
    Lori Smith says:

    With regards to the Pad Thai, I gave up trying to make the Sauces they were not quite right. Just buy the Panda Express Sauces they are much easier and have the flavor.

  15. Brandette W.
    Brandette W. says:

    For your Pad Thai recipe- add a couple TB of peanut butter to the ingredients you used for your sauce. Our local Thai restaurant's pad thai sauce is peanut based, it makes it smooth and a bit sweet but tangy. So so good!

  16. cynthia stauffer
    cynthia stauffer says:

    Everything looked so good. The blueberry pie was so pretty…I thought the same thing that it looked like thr 4th of July..maybe some red sugar on the stars! I think I'm gonna try that one for sure. 🙂

  17. rockinmissbeth
    rockinmissbeth says:

    Love this video, strawberry pie and the blueberry pie wow is all I can say. Thanks so much for letting Joe do the camera I love his take on things he is such a sweetheart. I am so glad your family includes him and everything you’re a special family.

  18. Mary Gavitt
    Mary Gavitt says:

    i love your videos. i love your style and i appreciate your family sharing themselves with us. i have been taking a kidney cleanse made with powdered cranberries. Cranberries are so good for us! .i feel the love when i watch your videos and they lift me up.

  19. Geraldine Lucas
    Geraldine Lucas says:

    Dishwashers have a filter that has to be cleaned are you doing that (haven't been able to find mine truthfully). I had trouble with mine filling with water and my son-in-law is a building inspector said it was because I didn't have a vent above it on my counter top he put one in and haven't had a problem since.

  20. Linda Ray
    Linda Ray says:

    I so want to try a couple of these that have tomato (the Beefy Macaroni Bake/Hearty Macaroni Bake and the Hamburger Noodle Casserole especially). I have tried finding a sub until I am just out of ideas. None have been all that great. I can tolerate small amounts of ketchup and even smaller amounts of jarred salsa but no pico de gallo}, rotel etc. Anyone have any tricks for subbing for tomatoes?
    I just love your videos Jennifer. I love to watch (really listen) as I work in the kitchen. Makes chores like cleaning the toaster oven or scrubbling things go so much easier. LOL

  21. MaryElizabeth Gross
    MaryElizabeth Gross says:

    Not sure if you watch ‘Tribe of Many’ but they have a video of something called drunken noodles that uses the ingredients of the pad Thai recipe that they talk about panda express so maybe give that a look.


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