succumb to your cravings

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47 replies
  1. Charlie Shea Music 🌺
    Charlie Shea Music 🌺 says:

    Very true, I was told this was the reason for people with Pica , body craving iron eats metal. They’re typically anemic, so made sense to me. Don’t have a source, advice is “listen to your cravings… but deliver in healthy ways.”

  2. George F
    George F says:

    Thanks for the advice my body craves death from cardiovascular thrombosis through eating buttered red meat so I'm going now I have things to do 🤗

  3. SaintsRaeShire
    SaintsRaeShire says:

    Out of context but i used to crave for wet soil i really wanted to eat it, once i told my doc ABT the weird craving he told me i have iron deficiency so i took supplements nd now i don't crave it werid story lmao

  4. Madxprofessor
    Madxprofessor says:

    My first boyfriend left me because I was too fat, I didn't eat for a week then ate an entire pizza and 2 liter of coke. 10 years later I'm down 120lbs but in between that I had weeks at a time where I would eat so little I couldn't even walk to the bathroom without passing out. I'll never understand why I let a shit person make me feel like that was the only way I could ever feel loved again. Oh, and he came back after I lost it all & told me he's in love with me. 🤷‍♀️😴

  5. yeehaw
    yeehaw says:

    Yes yes yes!! I’ve had multiple eating disorders and the one that really wrecked my mental health and healthy eating habits was when I had orthorexia and I was obsessively counting macros and always checking sugar, fat, sodium, etc. I couldn’t sustain it and then I developed binge eating disorder (also due to other really stressful things that were going on) and then anorexia. Then I got binge eating disorder again, and I put on almost 30 pounds within a few months. Me making the decision to eat what I like, but in moderation, plus weightlifting helped me to drop 30 lbs+. I’ve stabilized my metabolism and I lost the weight over time in a healthy way, so I haven’t dealt with eating disorders since.

  6. Mizuto sama
    Mizuto sama says:

    So my girlfriend has cancer, and she left me because she wanted me to find somebody that's healthy and she wanted me to not be sad anymore

    So yea I'm more sad now

  7. Julius
    Julius says:

    Im trying to eat healthier (home meals, more veggies etc) but a lot of it is making me feel really stomach sick and nauseous.. idk what to do

  8. Chris
    Chris says:

    THATS what shabu shabu is ?? We have a restaurant in my city named that but people only ever joke about it because "shabu" means drugs in our dialect 💀

  9. June kafaltiya
    June kafaltiya says:

    Rooted in spice is a food u tuber (similar to u) she also works at Google and showed us how it's like, and it's really awesome also many of my close relatives work as engineers in big companies and its always a shock for my friends how much fun things these companies provide to the employees, one of my relatives too work in google and she showed her pics to us in office and it was looking like a 5 star hotel tbh and she has many phones and laptops Google has provided well hard work pays off
    And also love your content dooby watching you since a short before the tone deaf video

  10. Methuselah Winter
    Methuselah Winter says:

    I just hate having to eat multiple times a day. It might sound stupid or weird but I wish I could just consume a liquid nutritional slurry like a milkshake or smoothie for daily meals and have these nice hot fancy meals a few times a months for fun. Because cooking, cleaning and eating are expensive and exhausting

  11. sigh824
    sigh824 says:

    What your body craves is telling you what it needs but remember it might not be exact science. For example, if you’re craving salt it might be because you’re dehydrated, chocolate cravings might indicate that you need magnesium, etc.

  12. Seren Keating
    Seren Keating says:

    I've got ADHD. Basically all of my cravings aren't about what my body needs, but my broken brain desperately trying for even a little bit of dopamine – ADHD is, in large part, a chronically low baseline level of dopamine, which drives a lot of the typical behaviours, all of which are actually stimulation- and thus dopamine-seeking.

    Carb cravings are as far as I can tell from admittedly mostly anecdotal evidence, another dopamine-seeking behaviour, as eating carbs does actually release dopamine. So if you find yourself reaching for carbs over other kinds of "unhealthy" food, maybe take a glance over some ADHD symptoms, and if you're already questioning ADHD you can probably mark down frequent carb cravings as another tally in the "yes it's ADHD" column.

  13. eli goldman
    eli goldman says:

    Ehh I’ve always been a person to eat or try anything. Food for me is comfort so I’ve never been uncomfortable around it cooking it serving it. I learned how to cook so I could just eat what I want.

  14. S.F.Nightingale
    S.F.Nightingale says:

    According to some of my acquaintances I eat health food a lot. But, I just eat what I like, and I'm not afraid to try anything, so I get to like a lot of things! But, my body mostly wants the "health" food because it's good for it, and yummy!

  15. mormacil
    mormacil says:

    There only two main things I weight roughly, my veggies so I eat my full pound and meat so I don't eat to much. Beyond that basically anything goes.

  16. Belle Bonebag
    Belle Bonebag says:

    It's no wonder why no one wants to eat healthy, when you make good food look like an Lovecraft eldritch abomination in a pot 💀 A lot of people forget that we don't only eat food for how it tastes. If it looks disgusting, I'm not putting it in my mouth.


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