Strawberry Cobbler – Hard Times Recipe – 100-Year-Old Recipe – Easy Dessert – The Hillbilly Kitchen

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Strawberry Cobbler – Hard Times Recipe – 100-Year-Old Recipe – Easy Dessert – No Eggs. Strawberry cobbler is yet another …

36 replies
  1. It's Either Gonna Work Or It Ain't Garage
    It's Either Gonna Work Or It Ain't Garage says:

    What, are you to good for beaver squeezins? The genuine imitation vanilla is all natural just so you know, just because it's made from the anal glands of a beaver doesn't mean it doesn't taste just like vanilla. LOL(funny but sadly, true!)

    What do you think those ingredients that say "natural flavors" are on strawberry and vanilla processed foods? Not all of the "natural flavors" listed in the ingredients are aborted fetal cell lines, some of them are good old fashion beaver anal gland squeezins!

    KATHY WOLF says:

    Thank you for the recipe Becky. i hope you and your family are well. Thank you for the link to buy the vanilla we got on it and bought some thank you so much and also thank you for doing the cobbler the way you did I always put the dough on top and mixed it in WOW! next time i will do it your way. Know it will be better .God Bless you and you family..Love from Kansas

  3. Victoria Blanc
    Victoria Blanc says:

    we use our stick blender for everything.. salad dressings right in the measuring cup, soups right in the pot, mashed potatoes right in the pot, melted chocolate and whip cream.. all kinds of stuff. they are so handy. The one we have twists into two pieces so you can wash the blades without worrying about getting the rest wet. they are cheap to buy and worth every penny. great recipe also.

  4. David Carter
    David Carter says:

    ❤️. Just last week I made your tuna fritters, and oatmeal-raisin cookies. Marvelous! Now I must try this.
    In other news, I’m having trouble losing weight. 😬😎😳😂

  5. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    Thank you very much Becky. Your thanks mean a lot to be my husband passed 12 years ago and he did not have any physical injuries from the war but he had some mental ones that at that time we're not taking care of much Vietnam era. I thank you for your thanks

  6. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    Williams vanilla sounds like a very good Christmas gift for family or maybe even some of the neighbors. Depending on how much it cost but I will be checking out Williams site

  7. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    I've had peach cobbler and apple cobbler and chair cobbler and elderberry and probably every other kind but my cobblers were different they were more like deep dish pies made 9×13 or a little bigger pan. Mom made these the day they canned and froze fruit mom grandma and my aunt got together and did it together mom work full time so they came to try to help her out. Our supper on the night that they did fruit was cobbler or what Mom called cobbler and she served it for supper with milk on it and sometimes the hot dog on the side I think mostly for Dad she just cut it into the amount of pieces we needed which was five and I think she kept a little piece for Dad for the next morning for breakfast. Because he really liked to save his dessert for breakfast with his coffee. It was a tradition we had in our house and I think it was kind of a nice one she would get the crust ready beforehand and then just went upstairs and threw things together and put it in the oven when things were almost done and we would eat supper together and it was really nice it was very different from what we normally had for supper but it was a real nice change. I guess for some people kind of like cereal for supper

  8. Jeff B
    Jeff B says:

    That looks so delicious. I'll have to start baking. Wife trys but for some reason it gets to hard to use a wheel block for it when she is done. 🤣🤣 your recipes look great and are easy to follow.

  9. Marylou Mottola
    Marylou Mottola says:

    I just watched this young sweet boy's video at Vanilla Feeds Tomorrow and ordered a bottle of his vanilla. What an impressive young guy! Our world needs more sweet young people just like him! Thank you, Becky, for introducing us to this incredible kid!

  10. Mary Mastin
    Mary Mastin says:

    good visit with you in your kitchen, good visit with all of my fellow followers – remember I am only one of your friends that are connected via YouTube – but we will be forever friends in heaven and we will know each other

  11. Teresa Celmins
    Teresa Celmins says:

    That looks so good and yummy. My daughter loves strawberry. I am going to try to make it. Thank you for sharing your recipe. And God bless you. My daughter took me to the hospital. They gave me a shot in my arms. Please pray for me I have to see my doctor soon. 🙏 thank you.


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