Stop these 10 Food Shopping Mistakes NOW!

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Let me know what your favorite shopping tips in the comments! Thanks Amazon Fresh for sponsoring this video. Visit your local …

43 replies
  1. Maria Tellez
    Maria Tellez says:

    no one squeezes really green avocados — no squeeze means a longer lasting avocado — i let them stand the whole day on counter (i'm in desert so its fairly warm) and then store in fridge – they stay good for weeks — they take longer to ripen but that's ok

  2. TheNextJenn
    TheNextJenn says:

    When I am shopping for fruits, if I can't smell it, I don't buy it. Specifically when I walk by the peaches, nectarines or apples… if I have a lovely fragrance that hits me I KNOW they are going to be fantastically ripe and oh so sweet. Now I don't mean stick your nose in the bin or shove the apple against your face and take a whiff cuz that's super unsanitary. But I usually will take some real deep breaths when I am walking through the aisle to see if I can make out anything distinctive. Then like Toucan Sam I follow my nose and find what I am looking for. Sounds weird but I have yet to be steered wrong. The nose knows. ;P

  3. susinok
    susinok says:

    We use the list. It works tremendously well to save time and money grocery shopping. Then we plan a meal or two and add items we don't keep on hand. Then the key is to shop to the list and do not impulse buy.

  4. greenidentity
    greenidentity says:

    My tip would be to not buy produce that goes bad quickly unless you have a specific recipe you’ll use it in very soon. I used to throw away so much lettuce and greens because I’d just buy it thinking I’d eat salads every day for a week. But now I know myself better than that 😆
    My follow up tip to that would be – DON’T be afraid to buy frozen fruit and veggies! I buy giant bags of frozen broccoli and mixed vegetables! I also like to buy frozen strawberries and then thaw them in a container- they get a little melty and syrupy and I mix them in with Greek yogurt or on top of some ice cream 😎

  5. Robbie
    Robbie says:

    Quick shout out to packets of pork crackling/rind. 70% protein and deceptively low in fat (after all, it is the pork skin, not the fat layer). Fantastic high-protein snack option to have in the house or to keep at work

  6. HelloThere
    HelloThere says:

    I love grocery shopping. I get excited to have food in the house! I purchase mostly produce and fresh meat/dairy. I actually shop much better when I am hungry! Otherwise I don’t buy what I’ll really want to eat throughout the week, or under-buy.

  7. Anne Butcher
    Anne Butcher says:

    One of mine is logging grocery receipts when I get home in a Google Sheet, Notion, etc. That's helped me develop a better sense of what a "good" price is on different items. Doing it in a digital record means I can check my phone during a shopping run and figure out of if I should buy something now, or hold out until there's a sale or I'm at another store with a better price. I love going to boughier markets for inspiration/higher quality items I'm willing to splurge on; but you can also waste a fair amount of money getting the basic items that taste the same no matter what from those places.

  8. sapat
    sapat says:

    Podunk texax has no fresh markets. No Trader Joe, no whole foods. Everything is standard kroger, or heb. We have super walmart, but their 'different' grades of meat seems shady.

  9. Isidora Sage
    Isidora Sage says:

    I do all of my pantry shopping online for pick up at the store. It saves me time, money and energy. I'm less likely to impulse buy when I'm sitting comfortably at home with a nice snack. I can check my inventory while I shop and search for recipes for unusual items while I shop. Then choose my produce at the store before I pick up my groceries. 10 minutes in and out.

  10. Obliv
    Obliv says:

    i shop small and shop regular (3x a week)
    with the high cost of inflation people are leaving a lot of the expensive items and if you go shopping reguarly you can get them when theyre 50-80% off.
    i buy multiple fancy cheeses for only a few bucks when theyre 80% off, then freeze them and take one out here or there as needed.
    the deli section also has packs of deli meats, chicken kiev, cordon bleu etc going out cheap which can be packed down into individual servings and frozen.

  11. Iva 💖 𝐹**СК МЕ - СНЕ𝒞𝒦 𝑀𝒴 Р𝑅𝟢𝐹𝐼𝐿Е 🔞
    Iva 💖 𝐹**СК МЕ - СНЕ𝒞𝒦 𝑀𝒴 Р𝑅𝟢𝐹𝐼𝐿Е 🔞 says:

    "Don't shop when you're hungry" should be on this list. As a single person, it is a challenge to shop and cook for one. Freezing stuff you cook or using a vacuum sealer help, but shopping remains the difficult part. Mike makes a good point, for me at least, by buying say one lemon or apple, instead of a bunch. I think carving out an hour each week to grocery shop allows you to buy less per trip, and as a result, saves space and waste.

  12. ♥️KeshThara♥️Fan
    ♥️KeshThara♥️Fan says:

    "Don't shop when you're hungry" should be on this list. As a single person, it is a challenge to shop and cook for one. Freezing stuff you cook or using a vacuum sealer help, but shopping remains the difficult part. Mike makes a good point, for me at least, by buying say one lemon or apple, instead of a bunch. I think carving out an hour each week to grocery shop allows you to buy less per trip, and as a result, saves space and waste.

  13. Magzie's Fun Time
    Magzie's Fun Time says:

    I am going to step in here with a food safety tip. Any fresh refrigerated/frozen items should be picked up last not first. Every 30 minutes off refrigeration losses a day of shelf life. If you shop for 30 minutes and it takes you 30 minutes to get home and put stuff up you have lost two days of shelf life. This is an average grocery stores use it is worse for stuff with short shelf lives like milk.

  14. Bailey 🍆 I am Online 💋 F Uc_k me
    Bailey 🍆 I am Online 💋 F Uc_k me says:

    I hate grocery shopping with the passion of a thousand suns, so I’m definitely going to try some of these tips!
    Could you do a video about shopping in a food desert? My local grocery has about 12 produce items *on a good day*, and often the meat and dairy is limited as well. I really struggle to make a list and plan healthy meals when I don’t know what will be available. Any tips you might have would be much appreciated.

  15. Ruth Horndasch
    Ruth Horndasch says:

    I go thru my fridge and either use up what I have and prep produce to use right away or freeze. I check my pantry and spices to see what staples I’m low on. I always keep a list going and add to it like you do 😁I also use tried and true recipes and usually only make 1 new thing each week 😊

  16. Jason Raynor
    Jason Raynor says:

    A bit of wisdom about shopping from my Grandmother that I took to heart. "If you're in a rush, you're doing it wrong". This has saved me a lot of aggravation over the years and takes a lot of stress out of the process you can often observe in other people in the grocery store.

  17. Christine B
    Christine B says:

    The guy at the end is just the kind of character that I have enjoyed encountering since moving to the northeast. Certain areas of the country excel at this type of theater and I absolutely love running across the masters of the craft 😉

  18. Manisha Holm
    Manisha Holm says:

    Try buying spices in the bulk food section. They are SO much fresher, and cost cents rather than dollars. Otherwise, you are paying for the packaging. I created an entire spice cabinet of just the basics for $18, relying on bulk spices. The higher end stores have a widest selection of spices.

  19. Darryl Trimming
    Darryl Trimming says:

    ☝🏻 Lists are great when you have a tight budget, or to avoid forgetting something. But if you keep an eye open for store specials, you can save quite a bit in the long run. Just make sure you have a good idea of the regular price for things that go on special, in order to make informed decisions!


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