Stockpiling For The Possible Quarantine | CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19)

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teambroccoli #broccolibites #coronavirus #haul Stockpiling Food. Coronavirus quarantine. Episode: 1363 My Amazon Store Front: …

13 replies
  1. JediSiouxsie
    JediSiouxsie says:

    I work in healthcare, so I guess I'm lucky in that my hours will NEVER get cut. In fact, my company is offering $150 bonus for picking up shifts. I'm trying not to panic, but seeing everyone else stocking up stresses me out and makes me think I should be doing the same thing. I wish you and your family all the best. I'm obsessed with food haul videos. 🙂

  2. MaintainingMichele
    MaintainingMichele says:

    Washington schools are closed for 6 weeks, Araya's school district in CA is close for a month. I have bought enough to get by for an extended period, of course I LOVE rice and beans. I had to stock up on tofu, salsa, and tortillas. Take care my friend~xo

  3. Amy T
    Amy T says:

    It’s getting ridiculous and it’s freaking me out a little. TP is just gone. Justin found a 4 pack at circle K. He’ll be able to get some at work. They keep selling out of rice, but I have bags of dried beans, quinoa and oats. We have some frozen food too. Just really hoping it passes as quickly as it started. Love you guys 💜💚

  4. Betty Horn
    Betty Horn says:

    Although we just moved to Colorado, we learned to prep from having lived in Florida for so long. We're good. Didn't have to go to the store. Just maintained the stuff we already had. You don't have to panic when you're prepared, and you don't feel the need to hoard, thereby keeping others who need it to not have it available to them. We're of the senior age group who is told to stay home, which is exactly what we're doing. Our church even shut down!

  5. M Puppybreath
    M Puppybreath says:

    So glad you checked in. I've been kinda building up supplies anyway just because of flu season…before this scary one. Trying not to freak out. I feel Amazon will stay open and make another gigantic fortune during this time!

  6. Mosca Froglover
    Mosca Froglover says:

    I havent been to the store since last week. I have heard its nuts. I may have to do a 5am-8am walmart run for tp. I think we we're good on food. Forces us to eat the stuff that gets pushed to the back of the pantry🤷‍♀️. I was concerned about the virus and how it is contracted but not so much on having to rush out and restock anything . 😕

  7. Laura Castillejos
    Laura Castillejos says:

    Great prep! I went to Costco this morning at opening time. There were about 200 people waiting to get in, which its never like that! Usually maybe 15 at the most…Anyway, people were cussing at each other and a fight broke out! They had to call the police! It was crazy! My girls and I were safe though. Got the things we needed. There's been a panic in the air here in Oregon for a couple weeks, but I think it was just really bad starting today, because they decided last night to close all our schools down. I understand people being upset, but we need to try to stay calm. Thank you for offering your prayers Jenny ❤️ I will be praying for you, Luis and the boys 🙏🏼 Stay safe my friend 💕


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