Stock & Chicken Noodle Soup | Basics with Babish Live

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Every other week, cook-a-long with me on Twitch as I make the previous week’s Basics with Babish episode. This is the live stream for the 6th episode: Stock …

39 replies
  1. The Leprechaun
    The Leprechaun says:

    I generally like to dice, season with a tiny bit of smoked paprika and give my chicken a quick sear in a pan before I toss it in the soup for a bit of added flavour and I find it retains more of he juices in the chicken (the stock has more than enough chicken flavouring in it already) and less scum and fat gets into the soup. I also find the best cooked noodles happen when you've finished making the soup and it's piking hot (I spend hours simmering my soup thought) and toss the noodles in and recover and leave it for about 10-15 minutes. They cook perfectly and I find the starch thickens the soup as it cools. remove the lid and stir it a bit as it cools down for a bit more thickening and then serve.

    Personally I only like to serve my soup when it's cooled enough to eat comfortable where it's hot but not hot enough to burn your tongue. That's the absolute worst. Spend hours combining flavours only to burn your tongue and taste none of it. It also gets it to the perfect consistency and lets the flavours settle.

    Love your channel! My no means is this "advice" just my personal methods that I find work out nicely.

  2. Chromatic
    Chromatic says:

    babish, i know you dont need the advice, but try not boiling the water so much, you're kiling a lot of nutritional value from the veggies and chicken by boiling at too high heat

  3. Michelle Neal
    Michelle Neal says:

    Whoopsies! Midnight Moon is made by Cypress Grove, not Cowgirl Creamery. Though Cowgirl Creamery also makes wonderful cheeses (Red Hawk & Mt. Tam are easily accessible and divine)

  4. Demmi Guevara
    Demmi Guevara says:

    The parsnips you added would make the soup taste sweeter especially towards the end of winter since they spent so much time developing extra sugars to keep warm in the cold ground during winter.

  5. Shetasen
    Shetasen says:

    Wine in chicken noodle soup is heavenly and used often during certain Chinese holidays in my house. Its added last from what i remember the chicken itself has been soaked in it. It clears up the sinuses and wakes you up. I wasn't a fan of it as a kid, but as an adult the added alcoholic burn enhances the spicy effects to the ginger and the white pepper. It also makes the smell so much richer.

  6. Trevor
    Trevor says:

    You were happy to see a number sticker for an old socialist loon who hates small businesses and those who actually produce things? Who knew that you were economically illiterate🤷‍♂️

  7. Ashleigh
    Ashleigh says:

    Honestly, Berney would not make a good president. I don't like him, nor Hillary. Hell, I'm not a huge fan of Trump but I did vote for the carrot head. And I'm not ashamed of that. But to each his own. Everyone is entitled to his opinion :). Awesome video! It's ALMOST the exact same way I make my homemade chicken soup/broth. The best part in my opinion is when after making WAY to much soup then freazing the soup for a few months. Take it out, warm it up and OH MY GOD it's so good lol

  8. oniros80
    oniros80 says:

    For Artie's rabbit recipe, have you checked the Sopranos cookbook compiled by Artie? I know we used to have copies on hand here at the club with the other merch but I don't see any now. I assume they sold out.


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