Start Eliminating Your Brain Fog Today

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Here are some ideas on helping you address the phlegm in your body! Especially that phlegm that causes BRAIN FOG! 00:00 …

2 replies
  1. Natalie Rivera
    Natalie Rivera says:

    Thank you so much Kim, for this interesting recipe, and all the helpful Chinese Medicine nutritional therapy explanations for its different ingredients. I saved it, and plan to try it as soon as I can get the ingredients I am missing. I am hoping it will help with my tinnitus and eye issues, part of my Graves’ disease diagnosis. Acupuncture and herbs for the last couple of months has been great, and has allowed me to stop taking the medication I was reluctantly on for a year, after a major health crisis. I now practice different types of Qigong daily, but I know that I can help myself even more through better nutrition for my particular situation. I love (raw) salads, but have recently learned that incorporating more cooked foods can be helpful for Yin and Yang deficiency, so I really appreciate this salad recipe, especially as we head towards cooler weather. Also loved the tip at the end of the video, regarding signs of dry skin (which I am prone to as well), showing up first on the right foot- fascinating!
    Any nutritional tips for hot flashes (deficiency heat) during peri-menopause? Maybe a topic for a future video?
    I have learned so much from your many videos, and particularly enjoy the ones on Taoism and the Extraordinary Meridians. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge and time (so creatively) to teach and help others!


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