SPRING Freezer Meal Prep & Canning: Salvage Store Edition | Easy Cheap Meals | Homestead Vlog

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Welcome to Calico Cow Acres! We’re Mickayla and Taylor. We’re starting from scratch on a previously abandoned farm in the …

24 replies
  1. @42bellabella
    @42bellabella says:

    I think by doing your own thing or loosely following a recipe is amazing. I also love the math. The only thing i have a question about is the canning, if it is tomato based are you able to have more freedom because of the acid in tomatoes? Sorry if this is a silly question but i always hear that it is dangerous nit to follow the recipe. Thanks for videos.

  2. @champagnemommy
    @champagnemommy says:

    Looks great! You don’t see many homesteaders that are vegetarians. Definitely makes it a little bit complicated to cook separate meals, (coming from experience), but the way you are doing it sure simplifies things. Great job. 😊

  3. @CreatorInTrng
    @CreatorInTrng says:

    I was wondering, how much do you really save making your own yogurt at home – and then you answered. Thanks.
    And then I sat back and watched the rest and you came through with the execution and costing for the rest.
    You obviously invested a lot of time (and love) in the prep. How would you guess-ti-mate your personal labor cost into this?
    I realize that this is not necessarily an easy, or even fair, question. But, do you feel it was worth your time and would you keep doing it?
    I say that having made home-canned food and afterwards thinking, next time I'll just buy the can….and then getting disgusted at the cost and can contents at the store and doing it all again. It really has to have that ingredient of love in it.

  4. @cherylpresleigh6403
    @cherylpresleigh6403 says:

    Great Job Mickayla! Taylor makes for a great taste tester too! I enjoy these types of video because it often gives me fresh ideas. You accomplished a lot in this video. How nice to know that you’ve got some meal options ready to go on those long busy days!


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