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It’s Spring Break! What kind of trouble can we get into this week? I stocked up on a few extra snacks and planned some easy …

13 replies
  1. Diana Schoen
    Diana Schoen says:

    Thanks! Im in SE Michigan. I also have found great food and cleaning items from the Dollar Tree! Im lucky that Dollar Tree, Aldi, and Meijer are all next door to each other and appx 1/2 mi away! I am Lurheran and celebrate Holy Week. I hope you have a Blessed Easter!😊❤️🐰

  2. Brooke Lodholtz
    Brooke Lodholtz says:

    Hey sorry this is so off topic. Could you tell me that cabin you and your family rent for I think cedar point? I think it’s when u guys go to cedar point, maybe I’m wrong?We are looking for a vacation for 4th of July weekend.

  3. Sabrina Belli
    Sabrina Belli says:

    We always have a big celebration for Easter and it's usually the traditional fare but this year we're going the non-traditional route and having…….BBQ!!! it'll be delicious and wonderful!! Happy Easter!!

  4. Mimi Julene
    Mimi Julene says:

    We celebrate Easter for sure! We decided to have tacos for Easter dinner! We all love tacos and they’re easy to prepare! Fresh strawberries from the garden for dessert!

  5. norma smith
    norma smith says:

    Great haul and plan love that's always stay within a budget And I love that missing ally tell her flat Stanley was a great little thing for the day it was kind of cute take care Jam jam hello to u and all the family In God we trust God blesses us all!!!!!!!!

  6. Vickie Patterson
    Vickie Patterson says:

    Great grocery hauls! 😘
    I love the egg roll bowls! It's all the great flavors of an egg roll without the fuss of wrapping it and frying it. And sometimes you can find the egg roll wrapper strips that you can add for texture and crunch. And I love fried rice too! 😋
    Then there's that awkward moment when you get home from all your shopping, only to realize that you forgot to get the main ingredient for one of your meals. 😕 It happens to all of us. 😉
    I know you usually get chicken breast but I really think getting thighs is a windfall! They are really so flavorful and moist and will go great in your recipes.
    We've already had Spring break down here but we've already had Spring weather here too. 😊 My brother and his wife have been in Iowa visiting their oldest son and the grandkids! And they've had snow a few times since they've been there. It's hard to imagine other areas still having snow when we already had a day last week that was 94°.😯
    But even having a day with 94°, the rest of the week was mild. The wind has been crazy this year and some days it feels like we're going to blow away.
    Sounds like you are going to have a busy week and with Alison out of school, it'll be even busier.
    But the chocolate cherry bars you found sounds delightful! 😋. And I can't believe the Halo ice cream was 75¢! You definitely found some good deals! If you had only found the hash browns, that would have been another frozen item with a discount! ☺️
    We're finally getting a little rain! We haven't had a drop in over 2 weeks! It's just after midnight and there's already been a National Weather Warning on TV about the inclement weather. It's still crazy windy because I can hear my wind chimes dancing.
    Not really sure what we'll do for Easter. 🤔 My sister and I will probably get together. I'm thinking about making a ham, potato, broccoli and cheese casserole. It's a recipe Chef John just posted, to use up leftover sliced ham from Easter. But I'll probably just use cubed ham and I'm adding broccoli to get more veggies in the meal. And if I make the casserole, I can share it with my sister so she will have something to eat afterwards too.😁
    Did you have a live Cook with me last week Jaime? My therapy was switched to Friday and while I was waiting I tried to pull it up. But it just kept spinning. I tried again when I got home but nothing ever came up. 🤨 It seems like I haven't watched you in a really long time. 😕
    But I had to get a new phone because my company was changing carriers and my existing phone would no longer work. I had gotten the new phone but hadn't activated it because I had until the end of March. But on the 30th, the old phone stopped working so I had to go ahead and activate the new one. And while the new phone is very similar to the old one, it also has features I'm not used to. So I might get a notice of a new video but when I go back to notifications, the notice I'm looking for may not be there anymore. And this is pretty much how it did before but I expect the notices to remain there until I do something with them. 😋
    But I am happy to have the new phone because the camera went out on the old one. Also, I could barely hear on the old phone and now I can use the volume button and actually adjust the volume! ☺️
    But considering what I put the phone through in the past two years, I'm surprised it worked as well as it did. The phone and I both landed in a puddle of water one day when it was pouring down rain. Plus the poor thing had been dropped several times so I'm surprised it lasted as long as it did. 😉
    And I'm glad to have a camera again, especially since I have a new nephew! I'm simply amazed by our technology today and how many things we can accomplish on our phones! Simple pleasures. 🥳
    Looking forward to this week's videos!😘
    Thanks for sharing another great video! 🥰


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