Spicy beef and vegetable soup (Yukgaejang: 육개장)

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I’m introducing delicious and nutritious yukgaejang to you today: spicy beef and vegetable soup. This soup is smoky, spicy, and rich, with healthy hunks of sliced …

32 replies
  1. Blooチキン
    Blooチキン says:

    My mum is definitely not a stereotypical white mum. She makes different food everyday from all sorts of cultures. Lots of asian foods though, i think they're her favourite to make. And don't worry, she actually uses flavour

  2. Regina Shakirova
    Regina Shakirova says:

    I have been watching your channel for ten years, I have loved Korean food and would always get this soup at my favourite restaurant. I remember you had a version of this video in an older kitchen, your older videos. Today I am finally making this at home, I made mine with konjac and glass noodles. I am so happy your channel has grown so much, you deserve every success you have earned! Thank you for being so warm and sweet and making the best recipe videos ever!

  3. Small Floof
    Small Floof says:

    I made this a while back and it was so bad 😭 I don’t know what I did wrong but it was bitter with no taste. I was very disappointed because I made a lot. I must have used too much of something 🙁

  4. James
    James says:

    Man, my mom loves to cook. I told her that she should make youtube videos on how to make all her recipes. This is basically how I imagine my mom's videos would've gone down except she's not funny… at all. Now I use this videos to try and recreate all the food my mom used to make me when I used to live with her and dad.

  5. vampyress83
    vampyress83 says:

    since i can not find gosaris.. i substitute it with water cress.. n i used minced beef instead of brisket since its a bit hard to find some at the grocery store at night time when i go after my work shift ends.. n i added a bit of bird's eye chili paste since if follow recipe its not spicy enough for me since i like spicy food..


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