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Hey y’all and welcome back! The song I was talking about : https://youtu.be/i-Tsk4-r0bs A little about me… I’m a Pastors wife, …

21 replies
  1. Lara Alemán
    Lara Alemán says:

    Got to say I'm super impressed y'all got ready for church ealry! Anyone with kids probably knows that's no small accomplishment 😅 Do you prep at all the night before ? The only way we can make Sunday morning go smoothly is to prep as much as possible the night before. I'd love to see a Sunday morning routine video, any helpful hints welcome! Wishing you all many blessings ❤

  2. Marleen G.
    Marleen G. says:

    It's so amazing when sisters want to bunk together! 🙂 My mom comes from a family of 10 kids. She is 76 years old. Anyway, my grandparents were OK money wise but each child, of course, could not have an "own" room, so she divided the boys and the girls, gave the girls a big room and the boys a big room. There were 2 queen size beds in each room and so they all slept together (kept each other warm at night). And I don't know if it's that but there has never been an argument between them (as adults, because we all know how kids are LOL). My mom is truly blessed having such amazing brothers & sisters. Sadly 4 have passed now (2 of those in early infancy), only 2 died at an older age. My mom's oldest brother is 78 and just had a triple bypass not even a month ago. Heart issues are on the men's side, strokes on the women's. But anyway, I'm blabbing on here. I really love that you've stuck to vlogging, Shasta, I love it every time you post a new video of you and your family. It really resonates with me. Here's to that first 10,000 subscriber count! 😀

  3. Lisa Dalka
    Lisa Dalka says:

    Hello Shasta and Family🥰 Happy Easter to you so glad your day was Awesome looked like alot of fun💜🤍 You are the Sweetest person Shasta so glad I found you! 💛💚 you from Wisconsin

  4. Melissa Adams
    Melissa Adams says:

    Happy Easter! Josh had me laughing when he was talking about this what happens when you get older. So true!! When i run i have to now wear a ankle brace and lower back brace LOL.

  5. mary freese
    mary freese says:

    Lol I'm old and now all to well about knees braces and smelly creams 🤣🤣🤣Everyone looked so pretty in their Easter dresses That song was absolutely beautiful I had never heard it before so Thank you for sharing 😊


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