“Southern” is a lifestyle! #itsasouthernthing #lollygabbin #sotrueyall

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Lollygabbin’ is our new vodcast where we tackle the southern questions everyones been asking!

25 replies
  1. David LeCroy
    David LeCroy says:

    Funny how a lot of people from other parts of the country have a predetermined image in their minds of what southern looks like, and those same people also like to accuse southerners of being close minded, racist and looking at and judging others based on stereotypes. Funny how it’s the same ones that have never been to the south. There is no one size fits all southern look or attitude. My new neighbor just moved here from the north west and his first comment to me was “I started seeing American flags in peoples yards and new I was back in America”. That’s all I needed to hear from him to know that we were going to get along and reinforce how proud I am to be from the south.

  2. Johnny Ragadoo
    Johnny Ragadoo says:

    Anyone who says "Y'all don't look Southern" is speaking ungrammatically. More properly, "Youse guys don't look Southern."

    Correct grammar would be more like, "Y'all come on in, we got plenty to go around."

    Just as an object follows a verb, hospitality follows "y'all." Education is so lacking in some areas!

  3. Kelnx
    Kelnx says:

    Well at some point Hollywood decided it was perfectly OK to completely lampoon an entire section of the country and to this day there are lots of people who think folks in the South actually look, act, and talk like the caricatures depicted in film and on TV for decades.

  4. Selena Ram
    Selena Ram says:

    Oh heck no there is no look to it! It's all in the attitude, accent, and sweet tea! 😆 And the wonderful southern hospitality! My family is from Texas, now we're in Montana and I just want to say we need more of that!

  5. TraceyRenee
    TraceyRenee says:

    If I’m gonna be honest, the guy with the glasses looks more like he is from the north. Maybe he was born and raised in the south but he looks more like a New Yorker. Not trying to be mean. Just simply making an observation.

  6. Jeannie Boatwright
    Jeannie Boatwright says:

    I got offended by Virginia isn't in the south comment. Hey now I'm Southern, but would have to agree it's No. Va that really doesn't belong. I live 15 minutes passed the Walton's. I'm Southern!

  7. Natalie Haskell
    Natalie Haskell says:

    Awe! I’m from the West Coast with some of my closest friends being from the South and I think you all look and act incredibly Southern in some great ways. 😊❤ I love the married couple sketches, they crack me up.

  8. 《•{abby bean}•》
    《•{abby bean}•》 says:

    to them, southern is dumb. that’s the sad truth. you don’t hear people with accents narrating medical commercials or commercials in general unless they’re for cars (for reasons that will never be clear to me.) it honestly stinks how much of a stigma there is about southern folks and our culture and accents.😔

  9. Wendi Moore
    Wendi Moore says:

    It's too bad that movies and tv shows STILL get the South wrong. I'm an Alabama native and live here now, but in the 90s I lived in Nashville. When I lived there, if I saw someone wearing a cowboy hat I thought "they must be a tourist" and think that's how people in Nashville dress. Either that, or someone is making a music video.

  10. Ant
    Ant says:

    I lived in the panhandle of Florida or Lower Alabama as it’s called all my life and consider myself southern. I don’t have a super strong accent because half my family is from the Midwest. My heart was so sad when my husband and I moved to KY and my first boss said I wasn’t Southern because I was from Florida ):


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