Sous Vide Experiment: Do You Really Need a Bag to Sous Vide? (Giveaway Winner)| Salty Tales

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If you know me you already know that I love the experiment and test it all. In this case, we are making sous vide experiment to find once and for all if you need a …

34 replies
  1. Kai Haapasaari
    Kai Haapasaari says:

    Ninja maan,

    For you to know, the fat will render a bit and will break the circulator.. as most of us SV guys don’t change the water all the time or clean the circulator after every use throughly.

  2. John Jones
    John Jones says:

    It should seem like a "no-brainer" that you NEED a bag. Keeping meats in a bag prevents the juices, melted fats and oils from being circulated through your sous-vide device. While the tiny circulation motor inside that stick device is protected from water/liquids, the little impeller … the bladed piece attached to the motor that pumps or circulates water … is going to get gunked-up and eventually coated. That could ultimately spell the end of your device.

    Also … and it's clear to see in your video … juices, resulting from cooking, remain in the bag that contained one of your steaks. Those juices can be used in gravies, sauces, etc. An equal amount of juices have now been circulated through the pump part of your pricey immersion cooker. Brilliant..??? NO..!!

    Since you like to "experiment", maybe your next video might be of you adding baking flour to the water in your car's radiator. I'd love to see that video.

    I imagine there's a way you can clean your sous-vide cooker after that experiment. Maybe you can run warm, soapy water through it for a while and then follow that with warm plain water. I would not continue to cook meats with no bag. I have heard that some folks have sous-vide-cooked un-peeled potatoes directly in the water. Personally, I would not do that. Eggs in their un-cracked shells are fine. Occasionally, sous-vide cookers might require some diluted vinegar "flushes" to remove possible mineral build-up.

  3. Robert Hochmuth
    Robert Hochmuth says:

    SVE without Ninja is like a Weber without charcoal

    SVE without Ninja is like wildly overcooked Steak

    SVE without Ninja is like a tough filet

    SVE without Ninja is like Sous Vide without Water

    SVE without Ninja is like Standup Comedy without Jokes.

    Seriously, it makes me sad looking at an SVE Video without Ninja insulting Mao Mao for no reason

  4. Jimmy Foo
    Jimmy Foo says:

    A surprising result because I have been doing Chinese braises and soups without bags with Codlo sous vide controller and rice cooker.

    Now I can try it with my next steak cookout.

  5. Brad Turner
    Brad Turner says:

    So interesting, would never have thought this result. Great experiment ninja. I agree cleaning the kit would be a pain but who would’ve said there’s no taste difference. Could you find something like a thin reusable silicone pouch to help reduce plastic usage?

  6. Val Bowers
    Val Bowers says:

    I have been wondering about this since sous vide been around awhile I am sure and I did not think cooking or safety in cooking in plastic would have been around as long


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