Smoky Paprika Braised Cauliflower – So Good, You'll Forget It's Healthy!

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This Braised Cauliflower Side Dish recipe is a delicious and healthy way to enjoy a nutrient-rich vegetable. The smoked paprika …

36 replies
  1.  _Mr.Desai_
    _Mr.Desai_ says:

    Khal cooking site wishes you, Happy International Chef day. Being a chef is all about being creative with the food you cook and redefining your dishes in a better way. Wishing you a very Happy Chefs Day

  2. An
    An says:

    Miam miammmm I need to eat more vegetables. This is a perfect recipe : simple, healthy and delicious 😋

    PS: I am amazed that your dog can eat such giant bone with his thin snout !

  3. Sama Mustaffa Mousa
    Sama Mustaffa Mousa says:

    That's what makes millions of people fond of your channel, Chef Joel.. a little fresh ingredients, a lot of love plus creativity, and the result is food So Good, We Forget It's Healthy.
    It's super cool Cauliflower recipe, that just means delicious, effortless food.
    💛love whiskey when he waits for you to let him eat, his eyes say.. (I know you my friend, I'm sure you'll give it to me, so I'll be waiting).

  4. coolabahblue
    coolabahblue says:

    That cauliflower is so beautiful, I noticed another one growing next to it , my husband was impressed.😄He didn’t plant any this year so we’ll settle for store bought. He harvested over 30 butternut squash this year we share with neighbors and our vegan daughter. I will make this recipe this week. I bet Whiskey would like some cauliflower to go with that enormous bone 🍖 Our dogs love it along with broccoli and other vegetables. Thx again for a great recipe Joel.😘🇦🇺🇺🇸

  5. RJres
    RJres says:

    Sometimes it's nice to do it simple and just let the ingredients and the cooking speak for itself!
    Cauliflower is another household favourite since there's so much that can be done with it (side dish, rice, creamed to make a sauce, etc.)
    I also love that Whiskey gets in the videos – I'm a big dog person so it always puts a smile on my face when I watch your videos 🙂

  6. paladinbob 123
    paladinbob 123 says:

    this looks nice..i tend to do a similar dish with mustard oil with some Panch phoron until it becomes fragrant …and then add cauliflower , some onion and some baby potatoes cut in half, mix in with the oil until all coated, and then cook on low heat covered, until soft…my friends grandmother[who lived in indian] had a similar dish [i am trying to repilicant it] ..nice served hot or even served cold 🙂

  7. Natalie C. Williams
    Natalie C. Williams says:

    Chef!! Omg! When you spoke to Whiskey and gave him that huge treat I was excited for him!! Lol!!

    I love cauliflower so thank you for sharing this recipe. It's a new way to prepare it and will certainly complement any meal! Thank you 😊


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