(Smoked/Pressure Cooked) Beef Ribs

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Just trying my new cooker experimenting and these turned out killer! Rectec smoked and pressure cooked to perfection! I got this …

22 replies
  1. Pete Jansen
    Pete Jansen says:

    For sure the combo is a great idea especially for time saving. I'm gonna do some St Louis racks like that too. I love it, they look fantastic. Haven't tried beef robs yet. Coming up next. Thanks.

  2. Silly Bunny
    Silly Bunny says:

    Gary, looks great! I was wondering, when you put them back on the grill are you still smoking or just crispifying? (That's a made up word😁) My MasterBuilt won't get that hot, so I was thinking, 3 hrs in smoker, 10 min. in Pressure cooker, then 1 hr. in Air fryer to "crispify" How long did you go when you put them back on the grill? One last question, I see this is a couple years old, have you revisited this at all? Any changes? Thanks!

  3. Jack Webb
    Jack Webb says:

    I've been thinking about doing this with baby back pork ribs and using my instant pot to finish them after they get a couple of hours of smoke. Do you think it would work? How long would you go with the instant pot?

  4. Shane Zettelmier
    Shane Zettelmier says:

    I bet if you overdid it and dried the ribs out that throwing them in the pressure cooker would really help save them, or even put them in there for a few minutes first and then smoke them or grill them

  5. fritom444
    fritom444 says:

    YOUR DOING IT WRONG!  No them rib's look tasty im going to have to try that . I just got a power cooker last month. and that would help with that staw  between 3 and 5 hours the temp of the meet staty at like 135 149 I got a  old school smoker you aught too try that with a brisket I'm excited.


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