Slow Cooker Chili Recipe: Beef Chili Colorado

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Bite-sized chunks of beef in a thick and rich, mahogany-colored sauce make this delicious slow cooker chili recipe irresistible. There are no beans in this recipe.

39 replies
  1. Daniel Keene
    Daniel Keene says:

    run the blended chilis through a mesh strainer using a rubber spatula to push all the chili pulp through while retaining the remaining skin and seeds in the strainer. Then pour the chili pulp into the crockpot and finish the recipe.

  2. Eff Ess
    Eff Ess says:

    Nice as always! But what’s the difference to the recently aired Texas Chili? Only the usage of a crockpot or a Dutch oven? ツ

    btw: I made this last Saturday and had some leftovers today! It’s freaking delicious! Thanks for sharing!

  3. William Potter
    William Potter says:

    This was a simple, well produced video. I will be using this method for Chili Colorado. One comment, though. Gavin's recipe calls for Oregano. There are two kinds of "Oregano" and they are completely different. Mexican oregano and Italian or Mediterranean oregano. This from a Google search:
    "These two types of oregano share a name, but that's about it. They are from different plant families and have different tastes and aroma. Regular oregano is an Italian and Mediterranean spice with minty undertones. … Mexican oregano has lemon and citrus flavors as well as some tones of licorice."
    Since this is a Mexican dish, I would assume he is using Mexican oregano but I'm sure there are many people who don't realize the huge difference.

  4. Salt Service
    Salt Service says:

    Finally I have cooked this recipe!

    Had to find a specialist seller in the U.K to get those 3 specific chili peppers, wasn't too bad.

    So to start, I've never eaten a Colorado chili con carne. I've been trialing out various standard con carne recipes over the years, without detracting too far from the typical family recipe using less beef stock and adding tomato's.

    This Colorado Chili was a completely different experience to using the common hot chilli powder or bird's eye chilis, indeed it was much more of a mellow taste, hardly any spiciness involved. Slightly sweet tasting and slightly bitter tasting. The beef flavor that comes through it. Yes definitely I enjoyed it.

    The tastes are nicely balanced, but near the end I felt like it also needed a faint kick up the arse, so I put 1tsp cayenne powder in, just a personal preference.

    The look and smell of the final result is amazing, really does have the deep mahogany color to it.

    Consistency of the sauce, for me was a little too runny, personally next time I would slow cook it for 2 hours and then 1 hour without the lid. – Maybe it's the cooker I used, but the meat could have been more tender also, again like I said next time I'd go longer on the cooking time.

    These are more fine tuning (my own problems) with the recipe though.

    I definitely would cook this again though. It's slightly different to the typical U.K taste palette, which I found interesting. The making of the chili and the eating of it was both enjoyable. Both people I cooked this for aside from myself enjoyed it, but wasn't as enthusiastic and while it isn't an immediate favorite to replace the family recipe either way I rate this video 5/5, the recipe 5/5.

    Liked, subscribed, and page favorited 😉


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