Slow Cooker Beef Pot Roast Recipe – How to Make Flavorful Beef Pot Roast in the Slow Cooker

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This is the best ever beef pot roast made in the slow cooker. The beef is packed with all the right flavors, seared and slow cooked in a delicious flavor packed …

39 replies
  1. Diviance
    Diviance says:

    You might try using a stock sachet instead of just putting the herbs straight in. Then you can just pull the sachet out at the end and not have to worry if you missed something. Common in soups and stews.

  2. bamadad53
    bamadad53 says:

    Claudia do you have videos on chicken (thighs or legs) on rice? My mom (god rest her soul) used to make a chicken and mushroom soup sauce on rice dish that was out of this world.

  3. bamadad53
    bamadad53 says:

    I haven’t tried this recipe yet but I saved the video to my favorites. Also the comment by Senor12 added strong confidence that this will be an excellent dish. 1 questions: what cut of roast did you use and could a pork roast be substituted and still use the same ingredients

  4. frank ferrero
    frank ferrero says:

    Burned garlic? bitter taste…you didn't seer the meat,you burned it.
    Gee wish people would not post cooking videos if they don't know shit about cooking,post knitting videos or something.
    The dish looks like shit,try harder.

  5. Tropical Breeze
    Tropical Breeze says:

    Update: Claudia I made this dish and OMG! It was amazing. Thank you for the recipe and the step by step instructions. I'm now going to try your chicken thighs with honey dish in the slow cooker. Thanks again and keep up the great work. Take care.

  6. senor12
    senor12 says:

    THIS WAS AMAZING!!! Everything you said/taught was dead on exact. I think this was the first recipe I have made in 20 years that looked EXCATLY like what was shown in your video. The entire family loved it! This was the BEST! It will be THE standard in our house from now on! THANK YOU!

  7. Jim Cole
    Jim Cole says:

    Looks great. Tender and flavorful. The only problem I see with pot roasts and I know I’m not the only one is texture. These things can be fork fall of the bone tender, but as soon as it’s in your mouth it has that dry texture. A few chews and your wonder where the moisture went as it looked juicy. Hope this one here was not that way. It does look amazing.


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