Slaver Nation – Episode 5 – American Origins Stories The Podcast

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America’s failure to address the impacts of slavery and over a century of forced segregation is the origin our nation’s collective …

28 replies
  1. Paul Cernava
    Paul Cernava says:

    Some of our founders found that leaving their kings of Europe in pursuit of freedom from their rules that they could work people for free and gain power and money and control.

  2. Cole Bashor
    Cole Bashor says:

    Will you be doing any videos featuring Henry A. Wallace? That guy….pretty cool. Pretty rad guy. 🤣

    You're truly making some of the most bangin' content on YouTube. I'm expecting a sharp, nay meteoric rise to YouTube stardom. I'll be following your work very closely. You have my gratitude for putting your time and labor into these creations. Hopefully your fun, creative, inspired approach to storytelling and teaching the lesser known aspects of history will get people more interested in the subject.

    Who knows, maybe you'll even win over some hearts and blow some minds? Given the current political climate here in America, some mind blowing is desperately needed. Thank you Matthew!

  3. Bailey North
    Bailey North says:

    Thank you, sir. Well presented as always. May we have the strength and patience to continue to look into the mirror you hold up for us. And may we convert any shame we might feel into love and positive action. We are all one. ❤

  4. Junkin Mytrunk
    Junkin Mytrunk says:

    Words cannot effectively express my gratitude in watching your videos Matthew! I am enthralled and impacted deeply by each one and I pray that in due time your subscribers and views to your channel grows into the millions! Every American needs to be watching! 👍

  5. Anonosaurus Rex
    Anonosaurus Rex says:

    "Race" is a false concept created in 1735 by Carl Linneaus (Sweden).
    "The concept of race has no basis in science or genetics… we are all 99.9 percent genetically identical." – HGP
    Also, The 1860 Census number of 3,952,868 slaves, represented 35% of the total US labor force of 11,110,100. 35% (rounded up) did not produce 100% of the wealth. Forgive me, but cotton was only 5% of GDP. Corn alone, in the North was 6%. Yet, no one claims that harvesting corn was responsible for 100% of the nation's wealth.

  6. Leilani Hart
    Leilani Hart says:

    You might want to further explain the white resentment pushback against the social justice movements of the 1960's, that installed Richard Nixon as President over a much more justice minded, moral, ethical, Democrat opponent, George McGovern, who had the same mindset as Jimmy Carter. What forces propelled Nixon into power over McGovern? It is the same forces that ousted Carter, and installed Ronald Reagan, the Bushes, father and son, cheating to overturn Al Gore's win as President. Clinton was Democrat in name only, caving to Republican policies in economic matters, allowing corporate control of politics to remain unchecked, and culminating in an atrocity called Donakd Trump. That force, working behind the scenes, and beneath the surface, hidden from scrutiny, is the Christian White Nationalists, who have worked tirelessly, unceasingly, towards a long goal of tearing apart any semblance of Democracy, with the end goal of establishing a Theocratic Autocracy. All of what we are experiencing is by design. The same fascism that overran Europe is repeating the takeover in the United States. Check out Kristin DuMez's seminal work, "Jesus and John Wayne." Or Anne Nelson's brilliant book, "The Shadow Network." Or Katherine Stewart's, " The Power Worshippers," or Robert Jones's book,"White Too Long " Sarah Posner wrote " Unholy," another peek behind the curtain. Without understanding the role the Religious Right have played in the turn away ftom the pursuit of justice, a fuller understanding of why Democracy is under seige will be missing. We are in the fight of our lives to finally turn this ship around before we plow into the iceberg and sink beneath the waves.

  7. Joseph Ehlers
    Joseph Ehlers says:

    Politics/Economics can be boiled down to policy of ownership. It was once about who can own humans, land, then machinery, though today it is becoming increasingly about ownership of information.

    The dignity of the human person, speaking generally, requires as a natural foundation of life the right to the use of the goods of the earth. To this right corresponds the fundamental obligation to grant private ownership of property, if possible, to all. Positive legislation, regulating private ownership may change and more or less restrict its use. But if legislation is to play its part in the pacification of the community, it must see to it that the worker is not condemned to an economic dependence and servitude which is irreconcilable with his rights as a person.


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