Sixty Dollars Extreme Grocery Budget Challenge | $60 Meal Plan

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This video includes a $60 grocery haul and meal plan for a family of four. This extreme grocery budget challenge shows you how to make 84+ meals on a sixty …

18 replies
  1. Ter
    Ter says:

    I actually eat crispy fried rice almost every morning with or without a small corn tortilla. I then pour eggs, that I blend with buttermilk, swirl around, let sit until it sets. Flip it,then I cover it with a lid, throw a towel on it and let it sit for about 7 minutes and serve with either Sriracha or a medium salsa like the one you have from ALDIS..!

  2. Jennifer Hutson
    Jennifer Hutson says:

    Awe, how sweet!! So, you now have 3 lil boys?! I wound up having four sons, myself. They're all older now, ages 21, 19, 17 and 15. Cherish them being so little mama, bc it surely does go by sooooo fast…

  3. Susan Watson
    Susan Watson says:

    Wow, you did it! I enjoyed the interruptions. As a mom of seven (the "baby" is 13!) I had to chuckle as this is totally real life! I am totally making the meatloaf this week!
    Thank you!

  4. Samuel Garcia
    Samuel Garcia says:

    Yesterday I was refreshing your channel thinking you uploaded Monday’s lol , thank you so much for this video as always so creative with your meals everything looks sooo good , that last one with the rice and eggs and broccoli looks very good , I actually want to try that . Once again thanks for all the great ideas & happy late thanksgiving 😉

  5. RevBTB Does It
    RevBTB Does It says:

    ive made my meatloaf similar that for YEARS, using beef, and I use my muffin tin to shorten cook time and keep the serving size consistent – we make cold meatloaf sammies with mayo and lettuce the next day, SOOO good!

  6. Maria Castillejo
    Maria Castillejo says:

    "Mexican pasta, casserole"… I'm Hispanic and when you said that you had me rolling cuz we don't have that… there's Hispanic/Spanish brands or inspired dishes like we make sopa which is tomato sauce and pasta…tasty and cheap to make…not everything is Mexican… 😆…lol…hay mujer


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