SIMPLE Stir Fry Beef w/ Ginger & Spring Onion | Takeout Favourites

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This beef stir fry with ginger and spring onion 姜葱牛肉 is really simple to make but is bursting with flavour. Forget takeout, make it at home! ** NEW Instant Pot …

38 replies
  1. Steve 1776
    Steve 1776 says:

    Thank you for a dish that can be cooked gluten free. I was holding my breath as your ingredients appeared, waiting for doom to strike with a wheat based sauce. My wife has celiac disease and it really limits us. We have gf soy sauce and I've found some gf Oyster sauce. Although the shaoxing wine has gluten, sherry does not. So this recipe is doable. It is very frustrating that so many interesting asian sauces have wheat in them and there don't seem to be gf substitutes.

  2. Nowakezone Forever
    Nowakezone Forever says:

    Right on time Flo…!! I’ve been jonesing for an Asian beef dish and this was delicious tonight!!! Great job.

    Lol, you’re always so cute when you goof up an ingredient or whatever. I love that rather than edit it you leave it for the rest of us to realize ‘even Flo goofs up sometimes.’ 😄

  3. Sophie Bakall
    Sophie Bakall says:

    I'm a chopstick and bowl kinda girl but I must admit, when my cousin's husband (who is also Malaysian) explained to me the concept of eating with a fork and spoon and I tried it, I must say, it is much more efficient, esp when you push everything onto the spoon and put that Perfect Bite in your mouth in one bite..

  4. takeme2urmac
    takeme2urmac says:

    Thank you for another great video. You guys Rock. Thanks for mentioning about the sale on the books. I picked up both. I love your simple ingredient recipes. Happy Holidays to your family. 🙂

  5. scott anthony
    scott anthony says:

    Hello Flo & Dude, thank you for sharing another awesome recipe, I'm so glad there is no smell-a-vision, also had to watch a second time. Have a wonderful week ahead, take care and God bless you and your Family always. 🇺🇸🇨🇦☕️👼🏻👼🏻

  6. Pam Owen
    Pam Owen says:

    Hi Flo, I can only buy one cookbook at this time. I love all of your recipes but especially the Asian ones. Which one would you select I buy? Thank you for your help with this 💕

  7. AZ Patriot
    AZ Patriot says:

    You can get those type of burners that run on propane. They're relatively inexpensive and you can get your 'wok hei' on.
    I had excellent self control on Black Friday. Everything I bought was for other people. Actually finished my Christmas shopping in one fell swoop.

  8. steve lee
    steve lee says:

    Hi, to the Wonderful Team of the Flo Lum Family, I am not a fee-paying member and my experiences of cooking meat in my new Instant Pot have reduced me to anger in tears. Nevertheless, I wonder if you can grace me the magic, if any, to cook meat, e.g., beef, in an Instant Pot so that the meat is still tender and tasty, not criminally mushy and tasteless. My cast iron wok always marvels me with delicious meat of tenderness and fragrance. But it takes too long, and I am always too hungry to wait. If possible, I would be grateful, if you could help me duplicate the same or similar cast-iron results in an Instant Pot. If successful, you deserve to copyright the recipe. Again, with many thanks,

  9. bj sims
    bj sims says:

    Why don't you let the kids make the taste test? Dude is okay, however, I think the kids would make a more honest opinion. Because, if Dude gives less than a favorable opinion…."no sugar for him". LOL

  10. Paulla Wells
    Paulla Wells says:

    I don’t know how you always manage to make me hungry? It is morning and now I want this dish. Ugh. 😂
    Another creator I follow did sweet and sour chicken with rice. She is full on American too. I’ve made sweet and sour chicken as well but my recipe is so different than hers. I would be super interested in seeing how you would prepare the dish, if that’s something y’all like.
    Dude, you’re such a goofball! Love it! 🤣 😜


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