Simple Healthy Vegan Creme Cheese Recipe

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Creme cheese doesn’t get much healthier than this- raw vegan, only a couple of ingredients, every mineral known to man, great for hair, skin, collagen, protein …

24 replies
  1. Califmio
    Califmio says:

    Hi Cara ⭐️ I’m so happy for this recipe 💖 Thank you so much for creating an Awesome cheese !!! I’ve been enjoying your recipes for several years now 🙂
    Btw, I just made one following the recipe you had posted below the video … but Somehow it came out super salty 😝 and I’m just wondering if the sea salt is supposed to be 1 1/2 “Teaspoons” ? 😅

  2. Barry Anderson
    Barry Anderson says:

    NICE VEGAN CHEESE CAKE Another Cara video?! Markus home made recipe which is way better than buying any GMO cheese in any Retail Store. Holistic Chef Barry is sharing this video to his wellness community Facebook page followers .

  3. Bobbie Jz
    Bobbie Jz says:

    Just want to thank you for showing us some of your recipes here and getting us charged up to start this lifestyle! I definitely will be ordering your cookbooks as soon as I get some extra cash. I am in the process of trying to change my life to something I enjoy. I’m a nurse and all I do is push medications as prescribed by doctors when I don’t even agree withThis approach to sickness. I do in some cases think it’s required because it might be a life-saving option because it’s gone too far but I seriously will be retiring from nursing And doing something like growing micro greens or something. I prefer books in print so that I can have them displayed for guests to see when they come over. I enjoy having them on my kitchen counter.

  4. lukuma79
    lukuma79 says:

    Dear Cara and Marcus, thank you so much for all of the helpful information and advice. You are very inspiring! Would you be able to make a video on what supplements, enzymes we can take in place of antibiotics and cortisone after an operation. Yes I am aware that the doctor will always say we have to take them, and I understand that you can not give doctors advice.., however if someone would still not want to take them, what supplements, like probiotics and enzymes…, anything else would help avoid infection and help recovery…??🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️

  5. queenbmary1
    queenbmary1 says:

    Oh my gosh I miss you! I have been so busy I have watched any videos and I just love your personality! I need that cracker recipe asap!!!! Thank you for these great recipes! xooxoxxo


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