Simple Garlic Infused Oil | Garlic Parmesan Pasta | EBL Rechargeable Batteries Review

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40 replies
  1. Janese Caraway
    Janese Caraway says:

    First Carolina….your skills in doing product reviews is outstanding!! And your son did a great job as well!! Prayers for many more product reviews for you!! From Montgomery al 🙏 ❤️

  2. Jamie Wilhelm
    Jamie Wilhelm says:

    Dress or nightgown? The other day I had a nightgown on an my hubby told he liked my moomoo I'm like nope not a moomoo sir I haven't seen a good made moomoo in years my great grandmother bless her soul wore them. Anyway I liked the sunflower print

  3. The Inquisitive Farmwife
    The Inquisitive Farmwife says:

    I have been enjoying the entro’s with morning chores! You know me and my love of animals… that turkey had me rolling sliding around on the ice! And wow you have some feisty chickens! Look at you with your cute dress and matching shoes… but brrrr…. Lol! You are certainly having fun with your product reviews! I want to try this way of preserving garlic!

  4. Julie Kirby
    Julie Kirby says:

    I learned from Betty Crocker how to cook pasta. It works every time.
    Bring the water to a boil, add salt a little olive oil and pasta and stir for 3 min. Turn off, leave it on the burner covered for 10 min. I don’t even check it, just strain and it’s done! You can make a salad or set the table, grate some cheese or whatever in the 10 min. 🙂

  5. FAUKER consulting
    FAUKER consulting says:

    💁🏻‍♀️Dehydrate that chopped garlic👍🏻
    ☝🏻MAYONAISE – Sunflower oil or maybe even Safflower oil could work…they are basic non-flavored oils…definitely NOT olive oil (unless you are going for that particular flavor…Kraft has this on the shelf) OR coconut oil…perhaps look into avocado oil but NOT nut based oils🤔

  6. Teri Doster
    Teri Doster says:

    I just love your infomercial parodies, they always crack me up! 😅
    In my experience canola oil makes the best clean tasting mayo, but I've used grapeseed oil and it works really well also, but it's a bit pricey. I've heard sunflower and safflower oils are great for mayo as well, I just haven't tried them myself, but any neutral refined oil tends to make the best mayo, I think it just depends on your personal palate and what tastes best you 💜

  7. Molly Mollie
    Molly Mollie says:

    Mayonnaise (sorry for double comment) you asked about that, and my first thought was “go to the bibles!” So, I pulled out my Mom’s 1986 Joy of Cooking (an updated Christmas present from her early 60s one) and my Julia Childs Mastering the Art of French Cooking. Anyway, both recommended olive oil and ‘regular’ oil used together (Julia said olive separately was fine.) Surprising to me was that for 2 cups of finished Mayo, ¼ teaspoon of dry mustard powder (?!?) was also added in both! (I don’t like mustard, but have discovered that a bit of dry mustard powder really gives a better flavor to things, without tasting like mustard.) There was a lot of verbiage in both about the proper temp of each ingredient, and how adding some ingredients to just the egg yolk and beating that was important…it’s a French sauce, of course it’s simple yet complicated at the same time. Anyway, I’d suggest looking at either or both of those recipes as they give a ton of tips and directions on things I never would have thought of doing. (I’m sure your library has those books (or can library loan them,) or you can get them used on the internet for very little money if you don’t have your own copy.) Good luck with the mayo! I hope it turns out well for you, and I hope your chickens stay safe. Mama Baird, you may be needing to show us how to make some dishes that need an egg replacement, or similar…winter doesn’t give you much from your hens either, I don’t think. I’m headed to Costco, going to get one of their big packs, and start whipping up big batches of waffles, breakfast sandwiches, French toast, and freeze the rest beaten (separately) in these tiny ziplock sandwich bags we have. So, things we crave, we’ll still have, and do alternatives for the rest!

  8. Molly Mollie
    Molly Mollie says:

    I need this garlic in my life!!! I’ve sat chopping/mincing forever with a big bag of garlic from Costco, put it (finally) in jars with oil, and put it in the fridge…I swear my mother did this (but I could be totally wrong, and probably was, because it was a disaster!) Within a day or two, the oil got ‘weird’ and after a week, it was all ‘weird’ and probably filled with botulism (my mother’s dire warning of anything canned or jarred that was suspicious, lol) and wound up tossing 90% of this out. I had no idea you could freeze garlic in oil (or just garlic, idk, I didn’t.) This looks absolutely amazing!!! Costco, here I come! (We gave our nice blender to our son, and kept the old butternut squash 1970s Mom blender, cause we never use it…but we have as nearly as old of a Mom Cuisinart as well, so, one of them should do the trick! The blender idea is amazing, never would have thought that would work!!!) Thank you so much for this!!! You have made my lifetime!


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