SIMPLE anti inflammatory breakfast | REDUCE arthritis PAIN | Dr. Alyssa Kuhn PT

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32 replies
  1. Tracy Heath
    Tracy Heath says:

    Good video. However I would not trust any pan coated with non-stick surface even with using an oil. Heat can make unhealthy chemicals slowly come out of the the Teflon and cause all kinds of issues including joint pain. Safer to go with Stainless steel or cast iron or even glass.

  2. Jeremy Hennessee
    Jeremy Hennessee says:

    My Dad suffers debilitating RA, and it breaks me to see the strong hero of my youth reduced to the frail caricature of the man I grew up emulating in so many respects.

    So, thank you for your service ma'am.
    What you're doing is commendable and I think there should be more Dr.'s like you in the world.

    I am familiarizing myself with the dietary aspects of RA relief and your videos have been irreplaceable thus far .

    Bless you.

  3. Mary Ann Gibson
    Mary Ann Gibson says:

    please tell me why most doctors say to avoid the nightshade vegetables, such as peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, yet you say green and red peppers are okay. Love those vegetables, so tell me if it's okay.

  4. Trevor D'Souza
    Trevor D'Souza says:

    Do you know that high temperature denatures olive oil? It’s one of the worst things to use to sauté stuff. What you should be using a coconut oil. Also, Bella peppers are highly inflammatory. Why don’t you look up nightshade. It is a nightshade along with any other type of pepper. Look up the flashpoint for olive oil. And eggs are inflammatory to. How is this an anti-inflammatory diet? Because you use some olive oil? Maybe you need to go back to school for nutrition or learn more because what you’re giving is the wrong advice.

  5. Trevor D'Souza
    Trevor D'Souza says:

    Who is certified you as an arthritis specialist? The APTA has not recognized rheumatology as a specialty at this point. So, unless you have some kind of certifying body, that says you’re a specialist, you should not say that. I know how to reverse arthritis and I don’t call myself a specialist.

  6. Mensura Fazlic
    Mensura Fazlic says:

    With respect it is great idea
    But some people who talk about healthy food on You tube they say that tomato capsicum and eggplant are not good for the people who suffering from arthritis.
    Pls let me know if you know something about this

  7. Jax Givnan
    Jax Givnan says:

    I cant eat eggs,they mess with feet.I was eating heaps of eggs and almost ended up in a wheelchair.Had ti do an elimination diet to see what it was and eggs was first to go and I could walk again after a week or 2 so just dont touch them anymore.

  8. Kimberly Guardipee
    Kimberly Guardipee says:

    I'm just starting out researching and making list on what to eat and stretching exercising. I tuned in your videos quite helpful thank you. Because I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis now my life change with my health. Where do I find your recipes?

  9. Andy Revo
    Andy Revo says:

    Arthritis expert? Red bell peppers are part of the nightshade plant family and should be avoided. Asparagus (was mentioned) contains purins you need to avoid. And the worst thing: eggs. They contain massive amounts of arachidonic acid (google that for heaven's sake) that worsen arthritic auto inflammatory processes significantly. That is the opposite of what you need. Brokkoli? Perfect. Onions? Perfect. Eat sardines instead of eggs or other fish low in the foodchain (to avoid heavy metals). Yeah. You hate the word "avoid". So do I. But I used to have 20 years of arthritis until I learned. MOST important thing is to avoid (yeah, I know) all grains. No grains for at least 10 months to give your colon time to heal – and then you will experience major effects, not 3, not 6, at least 10 months. Most people lose patience before that time and think avoiding grains has no effect. Wrong. I was heavily depending on all kinds of medication that ruined my health. I am free now. Of pills. Of pain from arthritis. I wish you to get well.

  10. L F
    L F says:

    Onions contain oligosaccharides that can be inflammatory to many people. Peppers are a nightshade and really triggers arthritis. Egg whites also often trigger symptoms in sensitive people. And so does oil, especially heated. It's better to sautee with water only or steam the veggies. For some, lentils or beans might work better, you just have to test for yourself.

  11. Amanda Roper
    Amanda Roper says:

    I have a lot of inflammation in my knees. I am just now realizing that it's osteoarthritis that I have. My knee started making a clicking and grinding noise when I went up steps about 4 years ago and then it started with a pain and pressure and now it's just really bad pain and inflammation. How can I get the inflammation down so that I can work on the exercises and getting myself better


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