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NO. Eat carbs and stay calm. – Low-carb diets followed the low-fat diets as trends keep changing in the diet world. – Low-carb diets …

25 replies
  1. Tai Prabhune
    Tai Prabhune says:

    Hello Rujuta
    I had started on a low carb diet & I suddenly had problem of bloated stomach & increased flatulence. I was always irritated & angry. Now I know what caused all of these issues. Plus the alternatives we need to switch too were increasing my monthly food budget. Thanks to this video I am going back to my traditional Marathi diet

  2. Exam Phobia
    Exam Phobia says:

    Please make weight loss tips for students as they have to eat everything specially carbs for good memory . Please suggest deit plan for students specially medical students.

  3. Umme Adil
    Umme Adil says:

    Ma'am…aap portion size bata detin to bahut logon ko faaida hoga. Pls dont go on saying kay the traditional Indian diet is the best….it can become the worst un less you eat according to the correct portion size.

  4. Advait
    Advait says:

    I must respectfully say that you're wrong. For 10-15 years, I followed a so called sattvic diet, on the lines you recommend, and had an active lifestyle. But I suffered from IBS, and got prediabetic. See details in my subsequent comment.

    Unfortunately, while you take all the correct scientific names, your reasonings are not grounded in biochemical facts that have been well studied and known for decades. They're available in any standard textbook on nutritional biochemistry. Therefore, while you say conclusions should be grounded in science the findings you cite are opposite to published research. In the latter half of your talk, you discuss about the psychology of eating. But you overlook that carbs are the most addictive component in the diet. Also, you present the discussion of the dependency on the food industry. The reality is that our so called traditional Indian diet has been the biggest "industry" since the last thousands of years. No one, including you or I, know our real ancient knowledge.

    This is a large, complex topic which you are reducing to a simplistic 12 minute video, which is filled with contradictions and inconsistencies. This would be a disservice to your eager audience, and I count myself one of them. I would be happy if you really looked at this issue scientifically and correct your views. It will greatly help your patients.

    Read my story in my comment below if you're interested. It may help someone.

  5. Advait
    Advait says:

    My story about my health issues contradicts your explanation. Here's my story for those interested, and have similar issues.

    Since childhood, I ate a so called traditional Indian vegetarian diet – poha, upma, dal, rice chapati, 3-4 meals a day. I led an active lifestyle doing yoga, weights, running, hiking etc. No alcohol or smoking. Last year, I was diagnosed prediabetic. For 10-15 years, I suffered from IBS and piles. Everyone in my family also faced similar metabolic issues. after having seen many doctors, and also having followed your advice through your book, your web content etc, I found that nothing helped.

    9 months ago, I finally decided to try a low carb diet, ensuring I was getting all vitamins and minerals. Within 3 weeks, my metabolic issues subsided. In 3 months, they disappeared. Today I am the healthiest I have ever been. My wife has the same experience and so do so many other people I have met. My father, who had a heart attack and angioplasty 2 years ago after "suddenly" being diagnosed with diabetes, has now put his diabetes into remission with a low carb diet.

    PS: South Asians now have the highest number of diabetics in the world, are among the top populations having heart disease, have a high proportion of undiagnosed prediabetes. In addition, South Asian populations have a high proportion of non alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). There's is no explanation for these conditions other than the high carb diet.
    You can search on Google Scholar for literature describing these results.

    I was going to write earlier about the kind of low carb diet I ate but wanted to do some more research for the benefit of those who, for whatever reasons, cannot eat non-veg. I personally eat a meat-dominated diet. Most of my meals are eggs (3-4 per day), in addition to either lamb/goat (80% of the time) and fish, chicken (10% each). I Would not recommend a pure vegetarian diet, with at least eggs included, but for those who must be vegetarian, have a look at Dr Roshani Sanghani's interview on YouTube. She is an endocrinologist who advises on low carb lifestyles, focusing on diabetes management and reversal, but also on correcting insulin resistance.

  6. Sun
    Sun says:

    I once followed your content on nutrition avidly. It supported all my beliefs on traditional Indian diets. However, over the years, my health deteriorated severely. I’m a 30 yr old female, and got PCOS, menstrual issues, IBS, which doctors said was due to hormonal issues. After a lot of experimentation, medicines etc, I finally resolved all my health issues with a low carb ketogenic diet.

    As a renowned influencer, people rely on you to provide scientifically sound advice. Their health depends on it.

    Someone with scientific temper must also check who funded the scientific research being cited. As a scientist myself, not all statical results and scientific papers are unbiased. Sometimes the funding also induces biases. For example, when Harvard researchers published the first low fat study to avoid coronary heart diseases 50 years ago it was funded by sugar industry and the fact the the people in the sample were also eating high carbs was not disclosed and their effect on the disease confounded the results. The authors also did not disclose sugar industry funding.

    Reports describing this controversy in detail can be easily found online and in scientific literature.

  7. Abhilash VM
    Abhilash VM says:

    Once your body is adapted to fat, you crave for sugar and carbs. I have been in low carb diet. I am very happy and it works for me. Yes once in 2 weeks i do eat sugar and carbs. If you are well adapted to fat. No other diet will come in your mind. What's wrong with so called balanced diet. That it can't control you craving for sugar. Your insulin will spike and drops very quickly. You will be hungry again. with low carb diet or carnivore deit. You don't have craving at all. You don't even feel hungry. Even a full tub of ice cream in front of you can't make you eat it. But this all works only if your body is fat adapted. For some it will take a week for some it will take a month.but once your body is fat adapted you will not go for any other deit. Also there is no such thing as essential carb because to survive out body doesn't require carb. It just need energy, which we can get from protein or fat. If you think balance deit works for you then we'll and good. Sugar and carb industries are much much bigger than low carb one. If you do low carb or carnivore diet you have better gut. Hence your won't have any issue with poop or constipation. You must remember wheat and rice are only came to our deit 10,000 years ago. Before that human only lived eating low carb. That is our real human deit.

  8. Jyoti Choudhary
    Jyoti Choudhary says:

    I really admire your wisdom about food and totally believe that one shouldn’t eat home cooked food In right proportion.
    But never been able to lose weight without cutting carbs at night. Please make a video on how to lose weight with home cooked vegetarian food (without protein powder)

  9. Richa Bhatnagar
    Richa Bhatnagar says:

    My gut has become weak since i moved to another country. My nutritionist tried to do a gut cleanse. She stopped roti chawal though she included potatoes etc in it. WITHIN THREE DAYS, MY CRAMPS MADE ME ask for a refund. And the constipation i had for those three days.


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