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46 replies

    Thank you for all the great ideas so far I appreciate it. I almost want to leave this house for the kids after the youngest graduates in 2024 and go live on our other property almost 18 acres. Just want more peace while I’m in this earth. Thanks again for listening to me rant slightly ❤🙏🏽

  2. Samuel Vasquez
    Samuel Vasquez says:

    I know the feeling i paid off the 1st house in 4 1/2 yrs then had the second one built away from city limits i worked for a drilling company at the time so spent 80% of the yr living in motels from job site to job site city to city state to state lol so i finally take a long vacation im planning on sleeping in late a couple of days so it's about 7am and gt woken up by the sound of cats making the ground rumble yes you guessed it the were starting to clear land rite next to the property line an army of cat dozers and scrapers clearing trees for a sub- division so much for the country life lol instead of waking to drink a cup of coffee watching the cows graze i woke up to cats tearing the land up ahhh!!! Nearly made me cry lol

  3. Michelle Bishop
    Michelle Bishop says:

    Oh no! This is what they did to me in my neighborhood. I'm a reclusive quiet person. They came in nod built. Big rancher, stole a foot and half of feet but all the way back to the creek, about 90 feet, with a very large PVC fence. Next a horrible loud family of parties, teenagers and little screaming kids moved in. Almost every day and night they are in my yard s if they live here too, leaving toys, garbage, blow up birthday party tents, cars blocking my drive and yard, loud music. The police do nothing because they are rude foreign immigrants. The police don't want to be accused of discrimination. They are From China. It will cost too much to hire a lawyer to fight this, as I am older and need life savings surgeries. My insurance will only pay a fraction. We all need stricter laws for keeping Peace and Quiet, garbage out of our neighborhoods. Vote conservatively.

  4. Rose 13 Bud 13
    Rose 13 Bud 13 says:

    Start your fence where it blocks their view first then work at adding the rest the rest up in time what size fence are you aloud to put up make sure before you even start . Then put fake greenery on top of your fence to make it even taller😊


    🔶️ I don't Blame you ❗️
    See I live around a bunch Of NUT BAG'S❗️we're Moving deep into the Country, See Sometimes Sis You have to choose peace & security over the dollar INVEST THE $1200
    into private property… with NO Neighbors move into the mountains.. See most people do dry land & the luck of u finding no one around is very rare!

    See the world is growing darker by the minute I'm seeing it where I live in the city. Be around other people, isn't really safe anymore 😕 I'm seeing people changing!

    Pray and seek most high God's guidance, that's what we're going to do!

  6. Knowledgeis halfthebattle
    Knowledgeis halfthebattle says:

    People were not paying cash for homes! Let's be very clear about who was paying cash! Greedy businesses like Zillow holding on to four or five thousand properties at one time, the agree to run up the price of those homes and to price gouge individuals is highly criminal! Slumlords are paying cash for homes! Slumlords will buy a home pay cash and put a few pennies into it and then run it out at Max dollar which should be criminal in the United states!

  7. Serena Campbell
    Serena Campbell says:

    I have a job where I’m in several towns, I noticed the trees are being cut down in a lot of different places,, to the degree I have not seen before at all !! it makes me wonder what is going on??

  8. Denise 1965
    Denise 1965 says:

    Suggest getting some popular trees to plant they grow very very fast. They can grow 12 feet within a year. Find some really good bear your trees that grow fast and you can plant those along and of course you could still do your fence but if you want more privacy, I’d say to try those trees as well. I hate that you’re losing the trees on that lot next to you. I hope everything is well with you and you figure out what you need to do and it works. Take care God bless.

  9. chosen Dobbs
    chosen Dobbs says:

    Yeap we just moved from Georgia to Alabama for just that reason. Everybody moving to Georgia too. New homes everywhere n wherever people come from their vibes come with em. Now people blowing horn 📯 at red light in one red light towns ..

  10. Susan R
    Susan R says:

    We are in the same boat! Our new neighbors just cut down around 200 trees in their 3 acres and now it is a mud pit. It looks terrible at their house now. They will be sorry when summer hits.

  11. TannehillEP1958
    TannehillEP1958 says:

    The trees as you already know belong to someone else, and they can cut them as they please. You said that you're thinking about leaving well I'm sure in Oklahoma or Arizona there is hundreds of acres for sale that you won't have any idea what your neighbors are doing.
    On a positive note, WHY does almost all of your videos need to be so negative. YOU have a great platform here on YouTube, but it seems that you lean to the dark negative side of almost everything. You did say you would ultimately listen to God. I would strongly suggest that when you open your eyes each day and before you get out of bed you also ask the LORD, What good can I discuss with your people today. I believe if you truly listen to the LORD these videos will take a brighter more positive change. May GOD bless you.

  12. Shaniki Smith
    Shaniki Smith says:

    Be careful there people out here looking for wood to burn. Because it is so cold in many areas. I'm not saying there is a wood shortage but there are people out there looking for wood to keep warm. So stay safe.

  13. Ms. V
    Ms. V says:

    I don’t want to see other peoples homes.😂 I do understand you. My dad feels the same way about the area his home is in. Especially when he sees something being changed around him. 😅

  14. Judy Kieffer
    Judy Kieffer says:

    Maybe Tommy someone may be planning a install 5G cell towers for wifi .These have to be installed in a tree free lot . I have one about a block uphill . I didn't see it coming .Its radioactive waves and not safe .I planted trees on that side of the house to block the radiation . Also certain window frames have to be put in homes to block too much radioactive waves.I have the internet .But my provider is pushing wifi fiber its cheaper . I don't want it knowing the danger .Plant trees look all this up .Tommy see what your options are . I was warned about this from a California utube channel a year ago . Its worth checking it out .

  15. Denise Hitchens
    Denise Hitchens says:

    Fences is usually first thing cause of strays and your animals straying. One side a fortnight….but ref neighbour's are they awake or asleep.? Did will eat dog in what is coming.

  16. Kem Wills
    Kem Wills says:

    You got plenty of property there, if you really like your house, Transplant or buy some 6ft + young trees one at a time, You always have the trees you want on your side, because they can't cut your trees. I prefer pine, they stay green 😉.

  17. CY
    CY says:

    If you don't want neighbors, then you need to start buying up all the land around your house. Just start planting trees of your own, because you can't expect other land owners to do what you want on their own land. Start turning your own land into what you want it to be.

  18. Carolyn Stokes
    Carolyn Stokes says:

    Don't give up your place because of this minor change. You have a lot of land. Beautiful and spacious. You will get use to being around others. Give it time. It will be okay. I know exactly how you feel. Similar thing happened to me. You know……I found out it was not so bad after all. I rarely see those who moved, like I initially thought, too close to me. Satan will make you fret about something that is not a real concern.

  19. Lady Marmalade
    Lady Marmalade says:

    I feel your pain. I told my husband the next move we make I don’t want to see anyone on either side, behind me or across from me. Hopefully they won’t cut them all down. 😠


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