She’s looking for a king waiting on his queen!Must be vegan, natural and no men who groom themselves

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She is looking for a king waiting on his queen! He must be vegan, a natural man and no men who groom themselves. She really …

37 replies
  1. biscuitzantea
    biscuitzantea says:

    @Kendra G – why does your channel have a problem with educating people about their usage and understanding of words via the copy and pasting of dictionary definitions?! – and guys when youre combating comments do yourself a favour and consult with a dictionary first.

    Wishing all the best to all. Good day.

  2. serious
    serious says:

    You actually need meat and some vegetables need to be cooked to release the nutrients… All of the countries that are an optimal health and have the highest amount of centurions eat a small amount of meat is part of their diet as well as cooked and uncooked veggies; some veggies need to be cooked to be properly digested. Of course, the amount of and source of meat that the typical American eats is ridiculous and contributes to all sorts of physiological issues, but going raw vegan isn't necessarily healthier in the long run. With all that being said, she seems cool lol

  3. ladylogos
    ladylogos says:

    When someone is raw vegan and has sex with a man that eats acidic, her ph changes because of his semen. Its tough to explain if you're not familiar with alkalinity/acidic and the body

  4. Gr Mo
    Gr Mo says:

    All these women saying how much of a great catch she is. No men flooding these comments with the same energy. Moral of the story: women encourage women to be single.

  5. Cygne Vara
    Cygne Vara says:

    for the men saying traditional women don't exist…here in the US…she's fit, feminine and friendly and will cook, clean, serve you and wants lots of kids, she doesnt care how much you make as long as you have the right mindset….i mean, these women do exist. lets see if anyone calls her up.

  6. Moni O
    Moni O says:

    Why do people get so bent out of shape in regards to what people prefer? we ALL have preferences. If you don't fit the category keep it moving. Nothing wrong with knowing what you want🤷‍♀ even if according to y'all "it doesn't exist"

  7. OurWorldsCollide
    OurWorldsCollide says:

    FELLAHS these are the worst ones the free spirited ones… avoid at all cost. They do not take criticism at all… everything is universe to them. They are illogical and delusional to the max worst then regular modern women. THESE ARE THE WORST


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