SEVEN Food Preservation Ideas For Winter

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22 replies
  1. @nancyrobertson550
    @nancyrobertson550 says:

    Thanks for your input on the empty jars back on the shelf’s. I made some extra rice and canned them. We live in the country and have black outs during winter. Can set them by the fire place to warm. Thank you for your sharing your knowledge. Blessings to you and your family.550Tx

  2. @tolohuexochitl3
    @tolohuexochitl3 says:

    Question: I’m curious & not sure I understand why you soak beans in the jars then empty, then refill? Can’t you just measure the amount it takes to fill the jars 1/3 of the way and then soak appropriate amount in a large bowl and then fill the jars?

  3. @debbiedempsky8160
    @debbiedempsky8160 says:

    If your kids like pasta, cook up some elbow noodles and put a scoop of them in the bowl before adding the chili. I didn't grow up eating it that way, but my husband did. I started doing that with our kids as well. It's a great way to stretch that chili out and turn it in to a chili mac.

  4. @tammyfletcher7667
    @tammyfletcher7667 says:

    Hi Jessica. I have a question for you. Is there a reason why you don't cook all your ingredients together in your tomatoes, like onions, spices peppers etc. And then can it as a chili based tomato juice?
    I was just curious if you could do it that way? Thank you!

  5. @courtenayguillory9005
    @courtenayguillory9005 says:

    Jessica, you amaze me! I learn so much from you! I’m an only child of an only child and I have an only child! I just sit here in amazement watching you! My harvest right freeze dryer just came in….(bought it on sale) I’d love for you to go more in depth on how you use yours…. ie lengths of time…. We live in southwest Louisiana, however, I’m just so curious how I’m able to can (safely) base ingredients for our family and friends! Thank you, Hugs to you and yours!

  6. @cofoothills
    @cofoothills says:

    are you teaching your children sewing, knitting, weaviIng, or any of the other textile arts as part of their homeschooling & life skills? I know you already teach them food preservation, animal husbandry, gardening, etc.


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