SDSBBQ – Onsite Catering – Grilling 160 Hot Dogs Using My 5ft Grill Table

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I was asked to cook Hot Dogs for the entire school. So I brought Johnny 5 my 5ft grill table to help get it done quickly. Get your own Apron like the one I am using …

24 replies
  1. Flat Top
    Flat Top says:

    I have a hotdog cart, simmer them in a tin of beef broth and a quick grilling as they come up to order one, I also cook Hamburger patties and keep them warm in a separate beef broth tin and cook them dry in a couple seconds on the grill as ordered that way I have massive amounts of burgers and dogs available fast. Tins are kept on cool side of grill.

  2. Patriot BBQ
    Patriot BBQ says:

    Funny, I just did a bunch of hot dogs for our church. I sure wish I would of had that charcoal table! It was definitely more work than it should have been using the church pit 😂😂😂

  3. Cooking with Stephen n Jacklyn
    Cooking with Stephen n Jacklyn says:

    Dang Dash I was actually thinking Johnny the other day I remembered when you took us on the journey to pick up Johnny. Man I think I'd freak out if I had to warm up a 180 Hotdogs 🌭 but I know that is just a blow over for you well with the exception of the smoke blowing in your direction. Thanks for sharing and have a great day. Cheers!

  4. Victor Benner
    Victor Benner says:

    Nice. Now I just gotta ask because I'm sure you have a reason here but I don't see it. When the smoke is getting in your eyes ( sounds like a Johnny Mathis song) WHY don't you just turn the direction of J5 so the wind blows the smoke AWAY from you. And if the wind direction changes, move the grill again. You have those wonderful wheels and casters on J5 , seems like you could better utilize them. Next up, yup the brickets start up went more quickly this time. I've been thinking what about making a custom big ass chimney starter for J5 including a high output propane burner that points up and just place the chimney over it? I believe you could cut start time down dramatically and more simply. And I have been thinking about this kind of starter for myself since before you acquired J5 and thought I should share it with you. Last thing. That fellow who was trying to help you boy do I understand what your talking about there. They just want to help and you don't want to hurt their feelings but it's like he reached into your front pocket to get your car keys to help you start your car without being asked to do so. Hey mister,respect my space and property, right? More than once I have had to " have the talk" with family members or friends don't touch my cookers at all with out my permission first. Always a awkward and upsetting talk to be sure. Anyway, again great to see J5 in action again . I'm heading to bed, later. 😁🌭🔥🌭🔥🌭


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