SDSBBQ – BBQ Tool Organization With an Inexpensive Harbor Freight Tool Cart

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I did some spring cleaning/organization and used a Harbor Freight tool cart to do so. Here is a tour of my BBQ Tool Cart. Join the Patreon Team …

29 replies
    KIRBBQ says:

    Waaaay tooo many rubs and seasonings and half bottles of sauce sitting around. I have a tool drawer that I used for some of my competition bbq tools as well. TFS.

  2. Victor Benner
    Victor Benner says:

    "Harbor Freight had a sale on" heck when DON'T they have things on sale. I have a love/hate relationship with them. I try to go in and get out without buying anything, rarely succeeding. So here's a few tips to consider. #1 take a REAL close look for holes and gaps between drawers and such. Why? well rodents of course. And like Dash says "ask me how I know". It's truly amazing how those little buggers can mess up your favorite sauce brush and turn a roll of butcher paper or paper towels into there own deluxe condominium. So fix those entry points. Next if you're ever thinking of taking the cart across the lawn or attending a bbq competition replace the casters with larger casters. I like the ones with inflatable tires. I can roll mine across " natural " surfaces without issue ( I did this originally on my small shop cart for when I'm working on something outside of the garage and not on concrete. Makes things SO nice). Last thing before I go. It's spring and I'm wondering since you have some time on available how about getting your garden started. I'd like to see your potato tower get a little loving so that you get better production this year. Maybe plant some sweet peas. Definitely get some lettuce planted. Have a great day and stay safe. 🌞🌞🌞

  3. Big Lew BBQ
    Big Lew BBQ says:

    Hope my wife doesn't see this. She always on me about organizing the covered patio in back. It's where I store my grill and equipment . A cart like that would be helpful. If get one I might be hero. If she sees this video first I'll be in trouble untill I get one.


    I think I might do this,my stuff is organized, but in different places🤦‍♂️. Some is in the garage,some in the house closet/drawer. This will eliminate that,also walking back and forth if using more than 1 smoker. Thx for the idea…👍

  5. Dead Broke BBQ
    Dead Broke BBQ says:

    Nice cart Dash! Thanks for the shout out and congratulations again for winning that Sugar Daddy from SuckleBusters! I think it will be a perfect match for a guy who likes more of a savory flavor! Ha ha jk Be safe dude!


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