Scoopable Apple Pie – Zero SmartPoints (Hungry Girl recipe)

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Hungry Girl’s Scoopable Apple Pie recipe is absolutely amazing !!!! Hope you give this recipe a try.. Recipe Link: …

33 replies
  1. Thea Strand
    Thea Strand says:

    First time watcher—-So….I haven’t read all the comments but you never said how long it ended up taking. Was it done after the extra hal hour of did it take the whole extra hour? I want to make this but want to have an idea of time. Thanks!!

  2. Dena Gustafson
    Dena Gustafson says:

    I’ve made this type of apple pie filling zillions of times over the years. It’s easy, delicious and fairly healthy. I don’t think you have to worry about mixing in the cinnamon because it melts into the apples as the recipe heats up. After making this for eons (I’m old!), I don’t measure as carefully either. It’s fun watching you cook!

  3. Mary Jane Davidson
    Mary Jane Davidson says:

    I love making apples in the crockpot! Last summer my husbands co-worker gave us a 5 gallon bucket full of granny smith apples from their tree, I made tons of crockpot apple sauce and then froze it. My youngest son called it "Apple Crack" because it was so addictive lol.

  4. Michelle Zerber
    Michelle Zerber says:

    I made this a couple of weeks ago. I have things I make every week, like yogurt, and other things I make bi-weekly and this will on my bi-weekly list. It's awesome! I don't use the sugar substitute. I just added a sweet apple in it and it was fine for me.

  5. Barb Carey
    Barb Carey says:

    Hi Kim I was wondering if you could explain how to get the serving size for homemade chicken soup I made. I can get at least I servings but I’m not sure how to get the serving size . On this recipe ,I made this and it is delicious. I hope you can help me


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