Scientology Live #55 w/ Claire & Marc Headley – Pressure on Scientology Ramping Up!

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Join us as we recap the latest Scientology updates and answer your questions. We will also discuss some upcoming projects that …

37 replies
  1. Maya Marquez
    Maya Marquez says:

    Hey guys! Great show as always. You guys ROCK! Btw… Marc you are so handsome!! The camera and lighting wasn't a big deal. We could still see and hear you just fine. Love to the lovely Claire Bear🐻 ❤💯

  2. Peace Dog
    Peace Dog says:

    Guys, I've suggested this to everyone in SPTV – if you're doing interviews on other platforms or channels, please share it on your community wall so we can all watch.

  3. Peace Dog
    Peace Dog says:

    So happy to see you guys back together! I've missed a ton on SPTV and am trying to catch up. Needed a break from the computer and was on vacation, but I'm back to watch all things.

  4. Shelly Smith
    Shelly Smith says:

    Shelly deserves compassion despite her poor choices. Having her dogs ripped away from her is unconscionable. My heart goes out to her. I hope Leah’s lawsuit gets things moving in the right direction. Thanks for all you do Clair and Marc!

  5. Eliza S
    Eliza S says:

    Congratulations on your Anniversary and on 40,000 subscribers. You both demonstrate how to live your lives in a positive, helpful, and uplifting way. Plus you seem to enjoy yourselves and each other!🥰

  6. Fairyspun Fibers
    Fairyspun Fibers says:

    Drooled massively over that Baked Bean recipe…and I don't even like baked beans because they are usually gaggingly sweet. My hubby loves them and he will go ape over this. 😊💕
    Jeff Quebell (Kwe-BELL) is doing appearances with Reese on "Squeeze the Cans Sundays". 😅

  7. Qienna
    Qienna says:

    It makes me a lil sad that the people who can't watch lives but have faithfully watched every video don't get recognised as frequent flyers too 🙁

  8. hotram1
    hotram1 says:

    Marc, You are still in the top 10 in the Scientology category on Amazon. You're Audiobook is #7. Please save me a Christmas Davey doll for the Aftermath fundraiser. I'm totally in!

  9. Robert Tobias
    Robert Tobias says:

    The sad reality is that, historically, when cults feel pressure from public attention,
    or fear threats of government intervention, they go into "survival mode" and become EXTREMELY dangerous and anti-social and many people will have to die (or "drop their bodies"). Having said that, I implore the anti-scientology community (yes! I'm including ALL of you feuding youtube media creators.😁) to set aside your differences (which to me is just a difference in style) and get behind Ms. Remini in a COHESIVE way in her recently announced lawsuit.

  10. Sr Vato
    Sr Vato says:

    You need to include Jackson in more videos because he really ask an element that no other site has. His honesty and integrity are infectious. But I think she needs a little kick in the pants for his confidence. ❤


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