Save MONEY on VEGAN groceries + The CHEAPEST plant based meals

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20 replies
  1. Dollie Brown
    Dollie Brown says:

    And it honestly hurts to hear that I could cut back on the eating out, or cutting back on the expensive jeans, or cutting back on the expensive skin care when I literally have to count quarters to buy diapers. I can't cut back on anything because I don't have anything 😩

  2. Dollie Brown
    Dollie Brown says:

    Not to say that Hannah hasn't struggled, but for me to actually being living below the poverty level ( I'm talking neither me or my husband have a job right now, my mom is sending me $200 every two weeks to live off of, only having literally $10 to my name, and living in an RV) I can personally say that you can either make vegan affordable or you can make it expensive. Things like potatoes, rice, beans, oats are cheap. But dates where I live are almost $10 for a small box. The only store options for my area are Dollar General. To get to a food lion takes me 30mins and the Harris Teeter, which has better fruit/veggie options (but super expensive) in about 45mins. And to add, my husband and children don't eat vegan so I still have to buy them meat. I ended up applying for food and nutrition services (food stamps) and we go to the local food pantry every other Saturday. I get bored easily with my food and eating the same beans, rice, potatoes gets old. I eat A LOT of fruit. I will say it takes a lot of ingredients to make vegan food. I end up buying the same staple items and that helps cut down on cost.

  3. rebecca blankenship
    rebecca blankenship says:

    Can you do a video on Freezer meals? Idk why something so simple and handy seems complicated??? But I have a friend who is about to give birth and I would LOVE to make some freezer meals for her! 🙏🏻😇

  4. Plant Based Large Family
    Plant Based Large Family says:

    Straight up we don’t buy organic but we grow organically (beyond organic, no sprays) so probably half of what we eat is organic. But we are POOR (according to the govt). We honestly don’t know how we would be able to afford food for our family if we DIDNT eat plant based! A pkg of meat that would feed our family is about $18 right now. Oooor, we could eat beans for our protein and feed my 10 person family for $1. ONE DOLLAR. What?!?!
    Our grocery bill has gone up about $100/week over this past 2 years. Yikes! But still, I feed a family of 10 (kids ranging from 16-2) for $250/week breakfast, lunch, and dinner (we don’t eat out).
    The thing that holds people back from going plant based around me (poor rural) is their fear of lack of protein.

  5. Alyssa Mrotek
    Alyssa Mrotek says:

    What if you do a “Shop with me” haul. Take us along with you to the store or stores you go to and show us how much it will actually cost for your week of groceries and show us the meals as you make them during the week. Just a thought!

  6. Charles
    Charles says:

    GOOD Video; Everyone Needs More Than Thier Basic Salary To Be Financially Secured, The Best Thing To do With Your Money Is To Invest, Money Left In Savings Always End Up Used With No Returns especially now business and investing is the easiest way to make money regardless of what party makes it to the oval office.

  7. Anna Seipelt
    Anna Seipelt says:

    I feel like this is also a cultural problem. The percentage of their own money, spend per person on food, varies greatly in different countries; the US belongs to one of the countries that spends the least for food.

    It’s interesting that veganism is perceived to be expensive in the us. In Germany I noticed that it is definitely seen as the cheaper option. Sure there are brand items for meat replacements, that cost a pretty penny. BUT quite a few budgetfriendly supermarkets offer a wide range of vegan substitutes, that are priced lower/similar to regular animal Produkts!

  8. Jaimee Lauren
    Jaimee Lauren says:

    I find it funny when people say eating vegan is expensive…. I’m like – beans, lentils and rice is expensive? Oats and chopped apple is expensive? What do they really think people living in low income family’s in developing countries are eating? I personally choose to pay extra for organic because it’s an investment in my health. If I have my health then I can work to earn more money, if I’m chronically Ill and not feeling good, to me that is what would be costly.


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