Save $50 on Ground Meat at the Grocery Store EVERY TIME! | February Pantry Chat Ep2

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If you want to start shopping smarter at the grocery store, lower your food budget, but still eat quality, real food and ingredients so …

35 replies
  1. Becoming a Farm Girl
    Becoming a Farm Girl says:

    Hi Friends! In this Month's Pantry Chat, I'll share a grocery guide as well how how I'm confident I'll be saving 50% or more on ground meat every time I go to the grocery store! (and how you can too). Links are in the description box. Have a great week! xoxo Cassandra 🙂

  2. Ready 4 it Mimi
    Ready 4 it Mimi says:

    I just discovered your videos a few months back. I must say I just love your upbeat personality!!! Your a joy to watch and you have amazing ideas!!! Keep up the great work!!! Thanks ❤😊

  3. Jennie Pollard
    Jennie Pollard says:

    Cassandra, I always enjoy your videos. I'm pick up so many tips from you. When you discussed microgreens and spouts, I was proud of myself for loving to grown these nutritional greens this way also. Canning is my next goal.

  4. Amy Schmelzer
    Amy Schmelzer says:

    Great turkey deal! This is exactly the reason that I like to shop weekly even during a pantry challenge. You never know what kind of bargain you will find in the clearance areas unless you go in and look at them.

  5. Anna Russell
    Anna Russell says:

    That’s amazing! Your processing of it was so impressive! You are doing a wonderful job using your food. My freezer is so full of things I need to make into things or use. Love your Kitchenaid grinder! Cool!!

  6. Dawn Catalano
    Dawn Catalano says:

    Oh my goodness! I did the same thing! You cannot pass on .49 lb turkey. I got 51 lbs. I broke down the turkey into pieces off the bones. I made bone broth and yep, saved those skins. I don't eat the organs (have no idea how to prep) so the puppies got some yummy treats.

    Yes, when you find a deal like this you break the rules.

  7. Anita Hilliard
    Anita Hilliard says:

    What is the gadget you used on the chips? I’ve never seen one of those. I looked through the links and didn’t see it attached. I also love that grinder!! I have a huge one for deer processing, but that would be amazing for smaller projects like great buys on Turkey!

  8. Francine Larsen
    Francine Larsen says:

    This was an fun video. I recognize your expression of glee, to get such a great deal. I'm always looking for the same shopping glee. A couple years ago our Fred Meyer over bought ground beef in those 3lb tubes and was selling them for $3.00 each, $1.00 a pound!!! I sent my husband to get 160 pounds while I scrambled to find room. We ate a bunch of thawing veggies and misc., but girl, I was high on that dose of glee for months!

  9. Becky W
    Becky W says:

    That’s a great deal! And the tips on the grinder were helpful. I got the same meat grinder attachment for Christmas this year, but haven’t had a chance to play with it yet. I’ll definitely have to keep an eye out for those sales!

  10. C P
    C P says:

    Girl, good for you! Hello from a fellow educator (I teach 4th grade)! Preserving has made my life so much easier, and your channel has lead me not only to great recipes but strategies! I've changed how I shop. Currently in a freezer full situation. Thanks for the heads up about frozen food month! I drop by Aldis too on Thursday or Friday so I can stay in and recharge (and can) over the weekend. Great job. I hope you have a good rest of the week.

  11. Tammy R
    Tammy R says:

    Wow! What a great deal on those turkeys! I definitely need to get a meat grinder for my kitchen aid! Thank you for sharing how to use the whole turkey! Those sprouts looked delicious too! Great reminders for what to watch for with sales! I never thought to dehydrate frozen veggies and fruits! I always learn so much from your channel! I am so thankful for all you teach us!

  12. A Notion to Sew
    A Notion to Sew says:

    For my own selfish reasons, I need you to quit your, as you say "ordinary working girl job" and become a full-time YT content creator!!! I always look forward to your videos. You are professional, personable, relatable, and down to earth. Thanks for the video packed with ideas and information. Pam

  13. holly
    holly says:

    Absolutely genius to keep space in your freezer for goto single, couple and family meals. So smart – I absolutely love your videos, I learn sooo much! Thank you! ❤

  14. Brown Acre Farm
    Brown Acre Farm says:

    Well, I have been missing out. Just found your channel and LOVE. Also working full-time and doing farm/homestead things in my spare time. Your food and grocery budget tips are fabulous! Now I am casually going to binge me way through your whole channel LOL


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