Ronny Chieng and Mike Chen Explain Curry Hot Pot | Curry Shop

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Hot pot is the perfect cold weather comfort meal. So when Horsepowar heard about a Malaysian curry hot pot bubbling up in NYC, you know she had to check it …

21 replies
  1. jlee1522
    jlee1522 says:

    You can't really overcook it….Flip that you're overcooking it!
    Dry sarcasm humor folks….it's not hard to see. Those who can't see it thinks he's a jerk.

    Is this why people think I'm a jerk in real life?

  2. Bueya Kasha
    Bueya Kasha says:

    Ok so the obvious never addressed: Why is there a divider of the hot pot seperating the hot pot in half? Is the left side curry different from the right side curry? One side hotter than the other? It seems if one person could put their food into thier side so they know everything on thier side is everything they put in. Ronnie said if you put in one mushroom don't take 2, and he also said, I put this in 10 minutes ago and forgot I put it in there. Wouldn't after 10 minutes the food would be over cooked? Well if Ronnie's side was the left side or the right side then he would know that everything on his side was only put in by him. Why wasn't the divider not brought up? I would think etiquitte would dictate the side closest to you would be your side and that would be the side for your food. Ignoring the divider and its possible use was disappointing.


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