Rick Bayless Fundamentals: My Essential Appliances

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A look at the other side of my kitchen reveals the everyday essential kitchen appliances that set you up for success as a home …

46 replies
  1. elTorpedo
    elTorpedo says:

    I have most of those appliances as well – if I were to rank their usage in my home, I have to say the food processor and the instant post come in last place. The Kitchen Aid stand mixer is probably my fav appliance of all. So versatile – from kneading dough, whisking, grinding meat, making pasta. Just a great machine.

  2. Ahmadu Barrie
    Ahmadu Barrie says:

    Almost got everything he has except for the sealer. I've been cooking more at home since I moved back home and wondering what are some of the best griddles/skillets for electric stove tops?

  3. bierbrauer11
    bierbrauer11 says:

    Seems you just did a tour of my kitchen. What coffee grinder do you use? We had a Cuisinart that is highly rated on Amazon but it just makes a huge mess with grounds everywhere

  4. Paul Green
    Paul Green says:

    I blew up a screen shot of the toaster oven in the video and it's a Krups FBC4-13 Convection Digital Toaster Oven. However, looking online I find almost no one selling these and the number one result is Consumer Reports giving it a do not buy recommendation. Humm?????

  5. elizabeth ann
    elizabeth ann says:

    In the 70s, my grandmother, who was a FABULOUS cook, told me that the first thing she would grab in a house fire was her Cuisinart food processor. And the second thing would be the Kitchenaid stand mixer. Some things never change.

  6. Brendan Tripp
    Brendan Tripp says:

    Chef Bayless … I am so envious of you having all your equipment out on the counter! My wife hates having anything out, so I have to dig whatever I need to use out of a cabinet, and set it up, before I can use it.

  7. helpfulnatural
    helpfulnatural says:

    Love, love my Vitamix! It's the most used appliance in my kitchen. 😊 I use my microwave primarily as a proofing box when I make sourdough bread. It's the perfect draft-free space to ferment the sponge as well as during the rise.

  8. Jeff A. Taylor
    Jeff A. Taylor says:

    Can't second the counter-top convection ovens enough. They do heat up super fast and don't heat up the kitchen nearly as much in the process, which is a BIG issue for those of us in the South in summertime. I routinely do chicken thigh and fish filet preps in mine no problem. If you are cooking for 1 or 2 people I would absolutely say you could do most everything in one of these gadgets.

  9. Mike Keller
    Mike Keller says:

    Rick is there any difference in the quality of the vacuumed sealed process, ie food last longer, when using a high end vacuum sealer compared to a food saver vacuum sealer?

  10. Robert Dinicola
    Robert Dinicola says:

    I've worn out 3 food savers. I buy my meat at the rest supply, 40lbs st a time. Usually in big primals. I have however, had a decafes long live affair with my pressure cookers and crock pots. I was given an old globe slicer that just needed a little tlc and it works perfectly.

  11. Derek Andrusyna
    Derek Andrusyna says:

    Love all of these. I have to add a recommendation. Was very skeptical about air fryers. But got one and they are awesome. It’s like a very powerful convection oven. Perfect for fries and roasted veg. And makes the best toast, bagels, English muffins etc

  12. PCAPro
    PCAPro says:

    Thank you so much for the info. It’s amazing to see a product recommendation video on YouTube and not find any affiliate links in the description.

  13. Cj Smart
    Cj Smart says:

    Here is a list of my own small appliances:

    1) Food Processor. I have a cheap Black & Decker Food Processor (which was originally my grandmother’s but she doesn’t cook as much anymore) but would love to upgrade to a Cuisinart or maybe KitchenAid (I’m saying KitchenAid because obviously, I have the Stand Mixers).

    2) Blender. I don’t have a VitaMix yet but I have a Decent Cuisinart (Formally Waring) 2 Speed type Blender and it’s been providing me some great results. I would love to upgrade to a VitaMix one day since it is America’s Favorite High Speed Blender. (Bonus: I have a Cuisinart Immersion Blender & I’m ready to upgrade to a newer one.)

    3) Stand Mixer. I own 2 (YES! 2!) KitchenAid Stand Mixers and I LOVE THE HECK OUT OF THEM! Like you said Rick, they are an ICON & I see/experience why people have them on their wish list! They are very pricey but WORTH IT TO ME! (Bonus: I have 2 Hand Mixers both by Cuisinart and KitchenAid for smaller jobs in times I don’t always want haul out my Stand Mixers!)

    4) Juicer. I have a really good Juicer because I want to be healthy on the side! I even put the pulp that’s been left behind in my smoothies!

    5) Vacuum Sealer. I GOT to have a Vacuum Sealer! I want to save grocery money (as well as trips to a grocery store) I like to stock up on food period!

    So those are some of the appliances I have in my kitchen!

  14. jjdawg
    jjdawg says:

    I use all of these but the one I I use the most is the mason jar attachment for the foodsaver(or any vacuum packer with a port). Spices, coffee, crackers, specialty flours that I don't use often. Doesn't vacuum out quiet as much air as the bags but the jars don't crush fragile items like chips…and the lids are reusable.

  15. Sandi Sheppard
    Sandi Sheppard says:

    Thank you for vindicating me for using only my toaster oven to bake things since 2009 when my oven quit! I've won many cooing Awards in since then in spite of that, and still use my same toaster oven to this day! I think my toaster oven will out-live me!

  16. Karen Bravo
    Karen Bravo says:

    Thanks for sharing that! I have all but the vacuum sealer which I’ve been considering for a couple months now. I subscribe to an organic/grass fed meat “box” delivery org and share portions with my son and his family. I grew up in a large family, learning to cook for 7-10. Now, there’s just me and my husband — but I still cook large meals (most of the time). So, I think this is a great investment.

  17. Patrick Clark
    Patrick Clark says:

    my insta pot sucks as a slow cooker so i have a reg slow cooker but i have a toaster oven /a KItchenaide stand mixer / microwave /and a Vitamix but most of all i cant live with out my beloved rice cooker such a game changer plus i love my food vaccum it saves so much money pricy is right but u save on so much money in the long run


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