Red Bean Buns 豆沙包 | Gluten Free

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Fluffy, airy red bean buns are gluten free! I share some special techniques to ensure that these buns are not dense or caked.

23 replies
  1. S G
    S G says:

    I need the follow-up instructions for when things go wrong. I am waiting for my dough to rise, but I had things go wrong at every stage. My tangzhong started to turn translucent after I pulled it from the heat before I managed to get the bowl to transfer it into. Should I have discontinued and started over? Then I put my water in too early and my white rice flour soaked it up formed hard clumps before I added my oil (which apparently should have gone in first before my flour) and yeast. I decided to try to work out the clumps in mixing, but the whole thing stayed so gummy and sticky it was almost impossible to work with. I ended up adding more flour because it is a super humid day, and if I was making gluten-full dough, I would have added less water. However, even after adding probably too much flour, my dough stayed very sticky. I am doubtfull I will be able to get much of smooth little pancake shapes with this dough, but fingers crossed. Anyway, I would love some follow-up instructions for when things don't go as planned, when to call it quits and start over because I am pretty sure I have tried to salvage my dough way past the point of salvageable 😂😢.

  2. Undiluted
    Undiluted says:

    Thankyou for this recepie:D
    easy to follow, well explained
    I have been wanting to make some gf steamed buns for a while so im glad i found this video. I made my own beanpaste which isnt as sweet as store brought paste which is good

  3. Jessica A
    Jessica A says:

    This looks amazing, and of course I am trying to attempt this on Christmas eve for Christmas dinner 🤣 do you think a kitchen aid mixer can be used, or is it better to knead the dough by hand??


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