Recipe for leftover gumbo

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leftoverrecipe #easydinnerrecipe Y’all, you got to try this Ms Lippys Etsy Store …

27 replies
  1. Phyllis Coffman
    Phyllis Coffman says:

    I can’t stand all the waste of food that I see going on everywhere!!! So many dang picky kids and adults! They are going to end up hungry some day! Sorry, I am highly opinionated and talking about my own kids and grandkids who are living with me at the moment 😂🤣💕🌻

  2. BrowneyedGeminis
    BrowneyedGeminis says:

    Miss LIPPY, making memories when you talking about that, my heart felt that, my eyes watered. I remember them days teaching my son to cook, laundry, and even to shave. The talks we had about life when he was growing. Miss, Lippy since I'm here keep praying for them, they are working. I'll update again later. Yes I love this channel, you are my GEMINI FAM, and friends. You have a story to tell Lippy, please get well and keep teaching

  3. PineTree Hill
    PineTree Hill says:

    Of my three sons, I have one who loves to watch me in the kitchen. He prefers baking because I won’t waste money buying sweets when they are cheaper and better if made from scratch. I loved baking at his age, too.
    I’m always trying to come up with meals using what we have on hand. I’ve discovered that ground meat and sausage go well in a gravy over rice or potatoes. We’ve done a Shepard’s pie version with it because it is quick and easy. I really like this gumbo pie idea you’ve presented and will have to try it. I will admit that we usually do not have leftovers of gumbo, so I’ll just have to make up a small pot. I think it’ll be worth it and besides it will make new memories for my children to cherish.

  4. Debbie Salyer
    Debbie Salyer says:

    I'm so glad I found your channel. I remember cooking my first meal for my family at the age of 8. I made breakfast and yes, some of the eggs looked burnt, the bacon was hard, but I was so proud! Thank you for keeping things "Real". Hugs from Alabama! 🦋

  5. Searching Sabrina
    Searching Sabrina says:

    Looks so good 💖 We have lived on Ramen noodles, but I promise you that I cooked those suckers in all different ways 🤣 You have got to learn those skills this day and time 💖 Thank you for being such a great mentor to me and others….love you so much 💖

  6. Debbie's Homeplace
    Debbie's Homeplace says:

    Nothing like a good old left over shepherd pie. That looked good. I know what you're saying Ms Lippy, today most children take their plate and go to their rooms. They don't sit at the table like we used to. Plus, a good majority of Momma's don't cook anymore they too busy trying to be young and running the streets and them children raising themselves. They are going to find out quickly that times are changing, them shelves ain't going to to fill themselves and what they going to do when all the stores are empty.

  7. vmorganbogart
    vmorganbogart says:

    That looked good & never would have thought of using gumbo that way. I love how you just tell it like it is. Did you block Mr. Willie from this channel, so he couldn’t keep count? 🤣 Keep doing what you’re doing. Love it & you.
    Blessings, Love & Hugs from Vicki in Ft. Worth, Texas 🇺🇸👍❤️🥰🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  8. FrannieinWV
    FrannieinWV says:

    ❤ you are so right. People eat out way to much. I have to say I am guilty but we try to cook at home 4-5 days a week and out once leaving 1 day for quick eats like sandwiches or chicken strips. I love the new platform and your energy.

  9. Countreegirl
    Countreegirl says:

    That looks delicious! Some of my favorite memories of growing up were standing on a kitchen chair at the counter helping mamma cook. She always managed to find something I could do to help. It's how I learned to make my signature meatloaf! I'll never forget how proud I felt the first time she asked me to make some meatloaf because she was running late. It was the first meal I cooked all by myself, I was probably about 11 or 12 years old. Memories are precious!

  10. Felicia Bourque
    Felicia Bourque says:

    That looks so yummy. The video where you made the gumbo my mouth was watering the whole time I was watching. I was enjoying it so much that I felt like I was tasting the gumbo as it was cooking. Keep up the awesome videos I love what you do. Hope you and your family are staying safe especially from the storm.

  11. Sheila Ashley
    Sheila Ashley says:

    I love Ms Lippy unscensored and I feel like I am sitting in your kitchen with you having a cup of coffee and visiting….you seem so comfortable here. An addition to what you were talking about with the younger generation and fast food, I remember the best feeling in the world was when my children got married and I would get those phone calls, mom how do you make that dish of something I had made over the years. That’s when a mamas heart swells and pride in her children stands out because you know you have a cook in the making. I did teach them how to cook, but they didn’t always want to be in the kitchen. I am proud to say both of my daughters are good cooks. 💞

  12. Diana Tennant
    Diana Tennant says:

    I'm loving Miss Libby uncensored. I have no objection to you using your fingers on the spatula or using the fork over again you've got enough sense you're not going to contaminate anything and even if you were it's going to bake out anyway really people. I think some of these rules were made for the nuts that don't have a clue and maybe in commercial spots where it's probably just easier you know now really. Storm's not looking good prayers for your family and all the others on the coast Danny and Wanda definitely included. Remind me sometime I will tell you about Kentucky fried Chicken at home cooked meals and tornado warnings!

  13. Sue A
    Sue A says:

    Oh Ms Lippy – I love your brutal honesty. You always make my day. My grandma/mom/and I used to do this with pot roast and different things like that. It stretches a dollar and you still get good honest food to fill your tummy. I have even used a sweet potato mash instead of reg potatoes and sprinkled brown sugar over the top. OMG – so good.


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