Realistic WHAT I ATE TODAY + Meal plan with me

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Hi, I’m Ami, and I have lost 60lbs following the Starch Solution & using the principles of calorie density! I am uploading these …

30 replies
  1. Sandi Fraser
    Sandi Fraser says:

    Life has been so crazy for me too. Hubby is sick and daughter has a rare disease and I have my own health problems. This week I have been sick so food prep just didn't happen so I either ate poorly or not at all.

  2. Melody Foster
    Melody Foster says:

    Yes life is a struggle. Life moves along smoothly for a while then misfortunes drop in. I’ve been feeling poorly for two weeks and not in the mood to cook. So I’ve been doing fruit potatoes chickpeas oatmeal broccoli. Whew so glad you have shared with us the days you just can’t be creative it has been a lifesaver.❤

  3. Daniela O.
    Daniela O. says:

    I really appreciate your honesty and authenticity in every aspect of your life and then showing that in your videos – it's extremely relatable and sort of feels like "we're all in this together" because I don't know anyone who feels great 100% of the time (as it's just not possible). All to say, I love your chats and also know that you'll get through this because you ARE amazing. 🤗💕

  4. Nicole
    Nicole says:

    You are an incredible mom and you always seem like you have it all together. I have been feeling overwhelmed in life as well and I don't even have kids, just a dog and a disabled husband. I have been so lazy lately that I have been ordering a lot of take out for dinner. Definitely need to get back to batch cooking for the weekdays. What does James do for work? Just curious. Thanks for all your inspiration, don't change a thing.

  5. Laurie Ducharme
    Laurie Ducharme says:

    Love this kind of video! This is how I cook often—trying to figure out what to make each meal. Unless I fully follow your meal plans, each meal is a bit of a surprise. Your meal plans are hugely helpful, but I love how you add extra veg all the time.

  6. Plants 2 the Rescue
    Plants 2 the Rescue says:

    You are MORE than good enough. You are an excellent mother and HUMAN BEING….HEAR THAT…HUMAN "Being"
    You are loving, caring, attentive to your children, sensitive, inspiring, and present.
    You are changing so many lives by being authentically YOU.

  7. Kathleen Lloyd
    Kathleen Lloyd says:

    Ami, you’re a fantastic mum and you’re doing an amazing job of keeping all the balls in the air. Don’t ever think that you’re not good enough. Thank you for all the recipe inspiration and please be kind to yourself.

  8. Éloïse
    Éloïse says:

    Its okay Ami, i feel like that a lot of the time, but you, you are so strong and you keep doing the starch solution💫💞 you gonna get back on your feet💪 💪

    Shoutout to romi who erase her white board with her sweater😂💞

  9. Luisa Leonardi
    Luisa Leonardi says:

    Ami, Romi is so cute when she interacts with you.and you're so sweet to her. Enjoy each other's time, among chickpeas and toys to share. You're so real and lovely to watch in every video❤❤❤


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