Real Kidney Stone In a Real Kidney

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48 replies
  1. @millibarman
    @millibarman says:

    Hmmm … passed a stone (thank God only one) in ‘94. Urologist told me at the time the diameter of the ureter was approx the same as a human hair. Didn’t have Google back then… I don’t think I have any hairs on my head that are 6 to 8 mm and diameter. 🤨

  2. @garrinevan
    @garrinevan says:

    Or, use a non-surgical solution that actually works and addresses the root cause. ASTRINGENT fruits and Herbs. And cut out all proteins and starches for a period of time. Herbs like Chanca Piedra, an anti-lithic.

  3. @angieholguin244
    @angieholguin244 says:

    I was 6 months pregnant with my son many years ago and because of that i had a Nephrostomy tube the rest of my pregnancy. I ended up having an emergency c-section to have my son 4 weeks early because I started having horrible and painful complications. Thankfully my son was ok and they were able to save my (R) kidney but unfortunately years later being diagnosed with Renal cell carcinoma on my Left kidney in which was removed so thank god my right one is still great.

  4. @coleorange970
    @coleorange970 says:

    I love how no one is talking about how we can fit a laser and a fucking claw machine in your ureter while your alive to save your kidney. Medicine and surgery are actually incredible in the modern day

  5. @gwenbernecker6094
    @gwenbernecker6094 says:

    I had no symptoms at all until one day, fever, vomiting, pain, ambulance, ER. They sent me home. Several hours later I came back in even worse shape. Diagnosis? Sepsis due to kidney rupture due to a kidney stone blockage. Hospitalized for around a week with IV antibiotics. I never even heard of such a thing.


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