REACTION Food Football and failing

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As always, this is a REACTION CHANNEL. We are watching together as a group that has been affected by Alexandra Rodriguez …

40 replies
  1. @SunnyJ-01
    @SunnyJ-01 says:

    Failed gastric bypass only happens to people who have food addiction and overeating issues. After 1 year post-surgery the suppressed hunger hormones frI’m the surgery stabilize which causes hunger feelings to begin again. Snacking on high calorie food like cheese, cream, butter, nuts and fried foods in between meals is how the weight is regained. She regained weight in 2023 in record time.

    It’s Alex’s fault, not a problem with the surgery whatsoever. Her family also enables her to overeat and eat high calorie foods. She’s gained back at least half of the approximately 100 lbs she lost in 2022, going from 1500 calories per day to around 2500 calories now.

    As a highly paid and long-term lifestyle, mental health, fitness, health, shopping, weight loss, fashion, beauty and travel channel she has a responsibility to be honest about her disordered eating and how she ruined most of the good effects from the surgery. Instead she’s defensive and frequently making sugary desserts and high calorie dinners in videos under the guise of “parties” or that her husband likes it.

    She refuses to get therapy and takes Prozac and furs affirmations and law of attraction manifesting and vision boards instead. Before and during her yt channel career her father was convicted of felonies against her step-cousin, his niece. He was sentenced to 10 years and ordered to psy around $600,000 in damages. This must be an unbelievable stress on Alex, yet she only vaguely refers to having had a trauma in the past, which people often assume is a breakup with a guy. She visits her dad in Ft Lauderdale every year but pretends she doesn’t see him there when she vlogs these trips.

    This is too much of a scandal for her to hide, and she’s clearly hiding it because her squeaky clean, happy family image would be affected. But an honest person would find the way to deal with this publicly, provided they distanced themselves from the perpetrator. She won’t do that however, therefore she has to try and bury it even though it is a gigantic part of her life and would wreak havoc with her career.

  2. @Natasha82563
    @Natasha82563 says:

    Can someone tell her the store Whole Foods does not mean everything that is sold there is not “Whole Foods” that’s just the name of the grocery store. She claimed she had 10 people there that was not enough food

  3. @sarcasticj
    @sarcasticj says:

    You know the one commercial that rang true, especially for her. The one where people were dressed up like potatoes in the field. A.k.a. Couch potatoes. Can she stop wearing those baby shirts? And the car was white. You could see it in the side mirror.

  4. @dollymama7796
    @dollymama7796 says:

    Yar is SILENTLY BEGGING for a NEW SPORTS CAR! Giving small hints every chance he gets. She yaps nonstop when he decides to spend time with her, no wonder he hides in his office for hours! I can't stand her fake laugh, haa-haaa, ugh please!

  5. @jmurphz
    @jmurphz says:

    Yar has the patience of a saint. If my husband grabbed my food off my plate, I’d be appalled. I’d also look at him absolutely dumbfounded if he asked to eat mine before even eating his own…

    In my career, I’ve worked cases with a lot of kids who were victims of abuse and neglect and food hoarding/aggression is very common. It’s crazy seeing it in a full grown woman.

  6. @kristenn4488
    @kristenn4488 says:

    What’s wrong Tarah? You are now muting and blocking people that give alternate opinions about you? I thought Alex should just be able to deal with it because she’s online? What a shame you’ve become who you “hate” 😢.

  7. @user-ld9rw3tj3i
    @user-ld9rw3tj3i says:

    16:37 I don't understand why she keeps these stupid montages in, but one reason for the repetition is probably because of her high follower churn. There's always a new crop of fans coming in who haven't seen the other fifteen times she's done this.

  8. @Not_today444
    @Not_today444 says:

    Farm girl??

    Is she serious? She was a cashier at a farm stand for a couple of seasons wasn’t she??

    I doubt she ran a tractor, threw hay, spread fertilizer, worked in the garden, fed animals or cleaned up after them, fixed fences.. all that fun stuff.

    Has she ever seen a farm besides on Tik Tok?

  9. @MelMcG
    @MelMcG says:

    Hey Tarah!! Here’s to you getting thru busy season 🥂. Getting ready to watch this react…. ❤ edit to say…. This whole “Taylor’s boyfriend” bullshit is killing me. She’s 31…. THIRTY ONE…. THIRTY FRIGGIN ONE YEARS OLD!!!!!

    Also I wonder if BUBBA got a new Tezzie 😂. Either that’s a loaner & his is back in the shop as there always appears to be some issue… but the fact she didn’t mention it makes me think it is another new one… and she even knows how fkn ridiculous it is…. And doesn’t want to say

  10. @carmenaic9472
    @carmenaic9472 says:

    I have never in my life seen someone eat so bad after WLS. Everything she cooks is so callorically dense and unhealthy, it's astonishing. Like someone below said…when you put layers and layers of cheese on everything you eat, just let go of the zero sugar drinks and dates snickers, it's like putting lipstick on a pig at this point. Also, the sheer quantity she is able to eat less than 3 years post WLS is a medical miracle and should be researched.

  11. @janefriel6895
    @janefriel6895 says:

    Happy Valentine's Day T and everyone. Im sure you are exhausted T. Can't believe you are uploading during a busy time.Hero.♥️♥️♥️♥️
    If she's a " farm girl ". Im Debbie Harry.😂😂😂😂😂😂

  12. @oliviap469
    @oliviap469 says:

    The decorations she chooses to use when she hosts are always tacky and childish; I would feel so dumb walking into this Super Bowl party and seeing these stupid decorations.

    Also… I hate Buffalo chicken dip 🤮 but PUT THE DIP IN A CROCKPOT DUMMY!!!!!!! Her hosting abilities are so sad. All of this is a ruse on her part to give her an excuse to be around a bunch of junk food. Also… the six celery sticks 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  13. @rebuildingmyself3861
    @rebuildingmyself3861 says:

    I really wish she'd just go ahead & eat a REAL SNICKERS & have REAL COKE already!! Does she think that just because dates are involved, it somehow must just cancel out the peanut butter & chocolate i guess. Also that whole.. "i'll slowly start incorporating dairy back into my diet, but still use dairy free alternatives here & there" went right out the window. She used an ENTIRE BLOCK OF CREAM CHEESE in that buffalo chicken dip. Not to mention BAGS of shredded cheese, sour cream & ranch. She might as well just announce that she gives absolutely no f's anymore about gaining weight, because this little charade she's got going on isn't working.

  14. @myahbaxter5394
    @myahbaxter5394 says:

    11:20 Ya-ya – its gonna take a lot more than a 'more chocolate?' to get her to stop eating, you need to be firmer man. Maybe a lock on the fridge? chain and padlock? take the car keys so she can't drive and get food? You have got to do something Ya-Ya!

  15. @rebuildingmyself3861
    @rebuildingmyself3861 says:

    She had a major, what was suppose to be a LIFE CHANGING surgery, just to go & eat a "plethora of CHEESES". This girl deserves every bit of that 400lbs, she did this to herself TWICE!! Her failing at a simple iron on fabric graphic at her age, i was making shirts like this in middle school, how is she THIS DUMB!?! She better get a real job, or go back to school, before having kids. Because this youtube thing made her incapable of doing the simplest tasks, she has ZERO life skills!! Yar called her out so much in this vlog, it actually goes right over her head. She doesn't even catch that he's shading her lol


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