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45 replies
  1. sebastian
    sebastian says:

    I don't really get why they pointed out that they wont drink the entire glass of each beer when they only had 13 beers shared on 3. Since some they only took sips of, they probably didn't drink more than 2-3 beers each.
    I am not commenting this because I wanna encourage them to drink more or any weird shit like that i just don't see the point of them acting as if they were about to drink a lot when they have drunk more in previous episodes already.

    and it would be kind of fun to see an after dark where they actually get drunk. it was quite popular on youtube a few years back and i thought it was really fun seeing another side of the people you have been watching for years.

  2. Hotrob
    Hotrob says:

    Sad there were no Canadian beers, but it probably would have been a Molson Canadian, which isn't any better or worse than bud. Moosehead is where it's at.

  3. Lyneo
    Lyneo says:

    idk if i have trash taste but i really like mama vermicelli clear soup instant noodles imported from thailand (note i cant have gluten so thats why i like those its not made of wheat)

  4. Bence Vörös
    Bence Vörös says:

    Okay so, every ale is beer but not every beer is an ale. The 2 main type of beers are ales and lagers. The main 2 thing separating them are that lagers use the lagering method, which means that after the fermentation it's kept at a low temperature for weeks/months which result a cleaner beer. The other difference is the type of yeast used. Ales use "top fermenting" yeast while lagers use "bottom fermenting" yeast. In highly rare cases you can have a lager made with ale yeast (vice versa) but that's very rare and mainly done on the homebrew scale.

  5. DutchDread
    DutchDread says:

    please PLEASE don't judge Dutch beers based on Heineken, we export that sludge because we don't want to drink it ourselves. You want actual "normal" Dutch beer, try Hertog Jan. We also have some excellent craft beer.

  6. Jenny Darukat
    Jenny Darukat says:

    The boys definitely gotta try some Sichuan Baijia broad noodle instant noodles, that's the real good shit (the purple flavour with picked veg). Mama is good as a small snack reliable noodle though, always have some around.

  7. Otakun
    Otakun says:

    As a French-Vietnamese, I think 333 is pretty bad and it's a French beer named 33 Export (spoiler, it's not good) that has been produced in Vietnam. However, there are pretty decent Vietnamese beers like Tiger (it's Singaporean but super popular in Vietnam) and Bia Saigon.

  8. DerUnbekannte
    DerUnbekannte says:

    I saw that a local thai restaurant had chang and got one
    chang has a nice burning petroleum aftertaste lmao, but after it got warmer it started to tasty malty and sweet.
    it really does hit different

  9. Austin Worthington
    Austin Worthington says:

    So got curious about this and it turns out Budweiser has a local brewery in Japan for their beer. Uses the same logo and everything, but I wasn't able to determine if it was the same recipe. So seems i have something to test in Japan now

  10. Pantro Huerta
    Pantro Huerta says:

    Fun fact about Corona. In México we entered late in lockdown (fuck AMLO btw) and some bar's and party place's gave discounts or 2×1 in Corona's beer until the cure was founded.
    It lasted a couple of months since then we entered in lockdown.


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