Raising RABBITS to feed my DOGS – NRC Balanced dog food – Feeding dogs naturally

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A couple years ago I learned how to feed my dogs naturally following NRC (national research council) guidelines, and today I …

29 replies
  1. Teal Stone Homestead
    Teal Stone Homestead says:

    Iā€™d like to clarify something – RAW bones are generally safe for dogs to digest, provided that you are using bones of appropriate size for your dog. COOKED bones are very dangerous, never feed a dog any cooked bone as they can splinter and cause intestinal punctures or blockages.

    Unfortunately Aria first got sick on a raw bone, not a cooked bone. All bones still produce some risks, which is why I choose (most of the time) to use a calcium carbonate supplement in my recipes instead.

  2. Peter V
    Peter V says:

    Fun fact: you don't have to be certified to simply state facts, follow peer reviewed research and use common sense. You're doing great! Love the content!

  3. ColoradoHounds
    ColoradoHounds says:

    I love it when worlds collide šŸ™‚ Hello from fellow Raw Fed & Nerdy/NRC fed dog owner and rabbit raiser/homesteader! Iā€™ll admit I clicked this video expecting the typical PMR vid. I think youā€™re the first homesteader Iā€™ve seen post about fully nutritionally balanced raw (or cooked) diets for dogs. Awesome video and I am not usually a commenter but just had to this time!

  4. FHL Ranch
    FHL Ranch says:

    THANK you!! we raise rabbits and quail to feed our pack of five… WE feed totally raw but it is a balance of meat, egg, internal organs, veggies and we also feed a small amount of rice. They also get beef, goats and pork in small quantities… Bones – they get raw in larger form.

  5. T T
    T T says:

    Aww kitty was being so "helpful"šŸ˜†

    I'm too lazy to do a full raw food regime for my cat so she gets around 50% raw food. One meal of raw food and grocery store kibble always available in an activation toyšŸ¤—

    Kibble is easy and if you read the ingredients and percentages you can find pretty affordable quality products (or very expensive $Hitty products pushed by pet stores and even vets…)

    Since cats are small carnivores whereas dogs are (bigger) meat-leaning omnivores "homecooking" for a cat would be pretty different… Especially since I'm vegetarianšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚ I would totally also offer (unseasoned!) cooked meat if there were any in this householdšŸ˜†

  6. Ulu LatƩ
    Ulu LatƩ says:

    Raw diet BAD.

    We were looking at purchasing an Irish Wolfhound. Of the many, Many, MANY requirements was a raw diet of so many lbs of meat/day.

    I went to my vet and asked him what a raw diet was, how to integrate it into the diet of my other dogs. He said, "Don't"

    I asked "why? Cost prohibitive?"

    He said no, many people are morons with their money believing they are doing something better for their pet, and that's their perogative".

    Me:. "Why then, Doc?"

    Vet:. "Do you have kids?"

    Me:. "You know I do"

    Vet: Infants and toddlers?"

    Me:. "You know I do"

    Vet: "Do have a lawn?"

    Me:. "Yep"

    Vet: "And do you let your kids play on that lawn?"

    Me:. "That's the purpose for it"

    Vet:. "Does your dog ever poop on your lawn?"

    Me: Yes and we pick it up"

    Vet: "Even if you were to pick it up all the time perfectly, there is always 'residual' left on the lawn, and then your kids run around on the lawn and crawls and roll….you get the point."

    Me: "Yeah."

    Vet: "We cook raw meat because it carries eccoli and salmonella among other things. If you feed a dog raw meat, it has salmonella and eccholi, then it goes through your dogs digestive system. The process does not kill those pathogens, so when your dog poops, all those and more are in the stool, and now on your grass, where your kids are playing….."

    Vet:. "And since your not likely picking the poop up all the time perfectly, well, kids like to put everything in their mouths….


  7. kyersten kerr
    kyersten kerr says:

    You have inspired me! Thank you. I have always wanted to give more options to my dogs, and utilize rabbit for them as well. My goal is to supplement kibble for now, we don't raise enough to feed completely home made. I appreciate you sharingšŸ˜ they certainly look amazing, so you're doing something right!

  8. Hillary Wattenbarger
    Hillary Wattenbarger says:

    Also want to add Iā€™m very thankful you talk so openly about eating rabbit yourself. Rabbit is so delicious and nutritious and I soooo wish more would get into it. Itā€™s so fun and very rewarding!


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