Raising 3 KIDS On The Road (Full Time Van Life)

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We answer YOUR questions about what it’s like raising a family on the road. We’ve been living full time in a van and …

17 replies
  1. Ste B
    Ste B says:

    Great watching you guys, it did make me smile when you said at 18 they will be living their own lives, that may or may not come true, my two daughters are 30 & 28 and still ring everyday, look after grand kids etc, so be warned. Anyway many years away and so enjoy each and every one.

  2. Susan Hastings
    Susan Hastings says:

    That was enjoyable even though you have had some difficult questions. I think being able to adapt your teaching styles to suit each child’s needs is going to really be one of the huge benefits of home schooling. Well done both of you.

  3. Nick Davis
    Nick Davis says:

    Hi guys, another great video, the kids are so funny when answering your questions, and good on you for not giving the personal question askers to much air time, thats your business. all the very best to you all from Nick in Wolsingham UK.

  4. Wheelers in the Wild
    Wheelers in the Wild says:

    Hi guys, really enjoyed that, going full time ourselves soon so even though it’s just the two of us it’s’ fascinating to see how others do it. Your kids are totally adorable, you can see how much they love their life, I thinks it brilliant that with space a premium that they can’t have piles of toys and therefore have to use their imagination and play outside lots, it’s like how our childhood used to be before the internet and 24hr children’s programming, I think what you’re doing is a real boost for their health and wellbeing. Well done to for making life on the road work so well for you all. Looking forward to next week to see your plans and am interested to see how you make money on the road, that’s something we have to find a way to adjust to. xx


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