Rainy Day in the Life of a City Vanlifer – It’s Gotta Get Done

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Rainy days can be quite nice but do present their fair share of problems. No matter! Here is how we deal with them while getting …

41 replies
  1. Momma Boy
    Momma Boy says:

    This dood is not much different than a homeless dood on the street in San Francisco shitting on the sidewalk? I bet the dood shares the litter box with his girls…

  2. Yvonne B
    Yvonne B says:

    Oh no poor Stella, just over a year ago I lost my staffi to cancer. By the way I'm Yvonneb for some reason this is using my previous name. I'm trying to sort it but failing miserably at the moment. Xx

  3. Kari L.
    Kari L. says:

    All we can do is give our pets (our little furry family members) our best. Thank you for letting both of your kitties live their best lives! ❤

  4. Night nurse
    Night nurse says:

    They look very happy and well cared for cats Matthew. I love watching them.I would like my own but I work 12hr shift s as a ICU nurse so it wouldn't be fair .Thanks as always for the videos Best wishes Diane 🇬🇧

  5. val loves nature
    val loves nature says:

    We’re going to have rain in the forecast every day for at least a week(we need it in NJ). Enjoying the cooler temperatures. Never thought to go to the covered parking lot at the mall. Sending you guys lots of hugs and love! ❤️❤️❤️

  6. Connie Shutts
    Connie Shutts says:

    Love how you have all the solutions to take care of yourself and your fur babies. Hope you had a good evening with Brooklyn. What did you have for dinner..love to watch you throw things together.😊😊

  7. Tan BL
    Tan BL says:

    Oh didnt know Stella has cancer. How long more will she live? She don't seem to be in pain except for losing weight. How old is Stella? You called her a kitten but i thought she and Penny are both senior cats. Now i totally understand why you doted on Stella.

  8. RV'ing with Luck
    RV'ing with Luck says:

    Aw…this is the first I heard Stella may have cancer. So sad.
    My previous cat, in sticks n bricks, died from probably that too (2016).
    She was ok up until about her final week.
    Wishing you, your fur babies and your kiddo all the best!

  9. Joshua Volgs
    Joshua Volgs says:

    Do you ever think of up grading to a bigger van so you can have a stove and a sink and have more room for you and the cats just wondering if you ever thought about getting a bigger van to live in?

  10. Gio N
    Gio N says:

    Seeing the shot of your van from the carpark, I imagined you running in to set up your Go Pro then dashing back to your van to nonchalantly drive in. Smooth, right? Love your kitty cats. You're a great cat dad xx

  11. Aaron The DJ
    Aaron The DJ says:

    Really sorry to hear it….. when our Jasper hit 16, he lost a ton of weight and was kidney disease. We did everything we could. He made it to 19. I still miss my best buddy everyday.


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